Every one of Malcolm's tweets should be posted

56  2018-02-03 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


He should have his own spin-off subreddit. Or at least a pop-up subreddit.

Anthony's twitter ballwashers are sending Bobo level replies

If Malcolm isnt careful he might find himself on a one way trip to Blocktown

This is total annihilation

it really is crazy, the old radio host who used to be great at smashing people on the radio isnt so good at smashing people online

What, you mean when they could lower the callers volume, talk over them or hang up when the caller was getting to them?

Strong, confident Malcolm.

Downvotes? Are some Ant ballwashers coming to their hero’s defense?

tru tru

This guy knows what's up.

how did this start?

I'm tired of seeing this melanin rich man's twitter photo, go fuck yourself.

The fact that he posted the YouTube video is funny as heck.