Mr Show - I'll Marry Your Stupid Ass

4  2018-02-02 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I'm glad there are other Mr. Show fans lurking about. CHICKENSHIT!

Show me your weenis!

killer party tape dude

I'm so fuckin' horny dude!

" is my game. Raping was another game of mine."



mr show is still the best

Not one of the strongest sketches but its hands down the greatest show of its kind. The "With Bob and Dave" netflix revamp did suck balls tho.

you didn't like it? I thought it had some really great parts. The traffic stop/sovereign citizen one was great

Yeah, I think it was just like the old show, hit and miss. That's basically every sketch show.

Maybe it was being too excited waiting for it, but i dont have any stand-out bits from it, like the original 4 seasons. I actually vhs the entire series and some tapes are getting ragged. Glad most are on youtube.

I remember buying QuickTime movies of every episode burnt onto a CD I bought on ebay back in the early 2000s. I watched those fuckers for years and years.

I snagged them off Ebay in the late 90s. Best part was the dude included when Bob and David hosted the Late Show when Letterman had heart surgery. Bunch of other shit too.

You gave people blowjobs?

fuck i miss this show. had them all on VHS.

The new KKK and NAMBLA ads

did the black guy running kkk bit before chapelle and they did a nambla ad way before jimmys vice show

Are you implying that James Narden's Vice show wasn't original and groundbreaking? There was pedo jokes, sherrod and a transexual host.

It was a wild show my friend.

There's this running joke Gavin McInnes started, about how there are aspects of life lately that seem to mimic Mr. Show sketches. This reminds me of something Mr. Show WOULD'VE written and develop years ago:

The Underground tape railroad?

Nothing will ever come close to Chapelle ripping off the Rick James sketch from MadTV

This is such a dumb sketch but I love it

The Story of Everest will always be my favorite

I was listening to a real atory about someone who climbed everest and i kept laughing thinking about thay sketch.

Pre-taped call in show.

It's a mini Victrola.

killer party tape dude