So what exactly is ants latest trouble?

0  2018-02-02 by shitbucket69

Fuck off faggots I havnt paid attention in a long while. Opie got fired from sirius. Artie and ant started a show. Jimmy is still (to my knowledge) a closet homosexual, what is going on?


He is hopefully going to be sued for making threats against oj. Poetically perfect.

Lol, I hope this is true.

So too does the universe

As far as I can tell Anthony has done nothing but verbally spar with OJ's lawyer while offering his opinions and stating truths. You can't be sued for opinions & truths.

And even if you could, OJ isn't going to sue anyone who's badmouthing him. He's trying his damndest to keep his head down. The last thing OJ wants to see a headline reading "OJ SIMPSON SUES OBSCURE SHOCK JOICK WHOM YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF."

Sorry to be Ruins The Fun guy but no, Anthony won't be getting sued over this.

Nothing is stopping the lawyer bringing a frivolous lawsuit to court on his own time though.

He's losing his house to OJ. Maybe

Glad you made parole,welcome back.