How does he know Ant so well?

178  2018-02-02 by RBuddCumia


It just proves all black people know each other.

u/bams_seed, comment?


Can we mod this guy.

He'll sue everyone though.

Punitive deeyaamages!


Can't lie Anth has been nailed here

Giant Head has been straight up destroying Ant. That massive brain analyzed Cumia and all his tweets towards him have been dead on.

Giant Head

Wait... which one?

And in the past too from what i've heard.

Yeah, but can this dude match Ant's K/D ratio?

Even if this guys hitting the nail on the head, right now his job in life is to help hide money for a man who killed another mans son so he doesnt' have to give him what he is court owed. Hard for him to call anyone mean if youre talking hypocrisy.

OJ having to pay the Goldmans all his money for all time makes zero sense. He should've gone to jail for murder. Some struggling actor/waiter's life isn't worth $70m+.

Oh he has to give them a ridiculous amount like that? Tbh from the way I heard it explained it was like some fine from the civil case he hasn't paid all these years later, that makes me feel better about the whole thing

I always heard OJ never paid a dime to the family. He was in jail and claimed he had to pay lawyer fees

But I don't listen very well

Yeah. Obviously I understand taking the joking road and this lawyer guys killing, but if you actually care who's a scumbag, Anthony isn't in the same ballpark and OJ and the people still defending him

Anthony is not arguing with OJ, he is arguing with an attorney who represents OJ. Big difference.

I hate OJ, but i hope this little twitter war gets Anthony banned again.

Yeah but right now his whole job in representing OJ. In not paying the person whose son he killed. I definitely dont think overall there's a great energy coming from all that. Do people here really want ant banned from twitter? I dont read it but it makes up a lot of the posts here

They got all the money from his book. Granted I don't know how many people bought his book.

Let's not forget half (probably more) of us here would have done the same thing if we were OJ

Exactly. This sub chooses weird times to have morals.

That's because we're fully representative of the weird world we live in.

Yeah but he's making Anthony look like a buffoon. I'm on this fella's side.

ant is taking a beating

Threw what away? Lol

He's not that complicated really.

Everything this guy said is accurate. M.


Guy must be a fan of the show

Tss, or an air conditioner of it

This jig is killin it.

No that what he said isn't true but I hate anybody who signs correspondence with the first letter of their name.

Damn Ant is being schooled by the member of the black race! What would Colin say to this?

I am on OJ's side. Fucking cunt took him for all he was worth and then riding around town with her boy toy fucking him in OJ's bed.

Fuck cumia and the (((Goldmans)))

O.J. had his day in court, and a dream team of lawyers, lack of understanding of DNA, anger about previous incidents, a possibly racist cop, and an incompetent prosecution all found him not guilty.

I have really flipped on feeling bad for white women. Years ago I'd be disgusted a white woman was killed, now I think they get what is coming to them.

White women are the most coddled and provided for group of people on planet earth and yet all they do is complain and do things to destroy a system that props them up. U see ladies, when shit hits the fan ur head gets cut off. Have some fucking respect

this line of reasoning has extended to whole nationalities at this point, like the swedish and the english

Has anyone sent him the OJ video with Anthony in blackface?


This mofo is knows Ant better than us

What a faggot ant is lol. One of the reasons he got fired was cause of his own rant about how’s blacks always jump to violence first cause he got physically dominated by the tranny looking black bitch he was trying to creepshot photos of

Ant playing the race card? What a fucking retard

typical mean, racist, drunkard who threw it all away

He isn't only talking about Ant. He's talking about every single person on this sub.


Top lawyers are work obsessed sociopaths. This nigga probably has a research team to do this king of shit or at least made a few phone calls.

Ant can present every statistic in the world or run through his entire catalog of outdated movie references, he doesn't stand a chance against this mulatto bully.

Well at least he seems busy with his full-time job that he did once decades ago or whatever

Had Colin Flaherty chimed in yet with some statistics?

anthony is really going to kill himself, boys.

I think he is a pest fucking with Ant.

Ant “threw it all away, and now he’s lashing out”, I never heard it put like that, but well said. Opie & Anthony really did throw it all away, for nothing. Ungrateful idiots.

Has he seen the disproportionate statistics?

"knock it off, spade" is the only comeback Ant has that could redeem himself.