Fawkin home run, Mr. OJ's lawyer, esq. (he also replies with articles about Ant's failures)

3  2018-02-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Let us know when he starts talking about trannies.

He’s so excited at the rare chance to be the lesser scumbag in an argument.

u/BigDummy666 aka whatwhatbutt is such an embarrassing kiss ass.

This dude hasn't even gotten to Anthony's underage girl grooming.

It would be a shame if someone sent him this reading material: https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/7oqfhd/anthony_cumia_and_selfcuttinggirl/

I have seen better baiters on 4chan. his game is weak. especially for a lawyer.

I can only hope Anth is already very drunk and will still manage to fall for it. fingers crossed.

Could be funny oops if Joe's tweets got mixed by accident. no thats my brothers

What's the racial mix of his clients,Colin cocksucker comment.

This guy is so fucking bad at arguing. He isn't slick at all

I can see Malcum,he looka scared, and he should be.

And I would be scared. 'Cuz dere's cops all deep in diss.

An' a Baba Booey to y'all.

Anth is deleting tweets. Did someone screencap all of their interactions?