This really escalated quickly!

17  2018-02-02 by SteveTech74


Has anyone sent the good doctor the 'electric shock OJ' video? I'm sure he's think it's a hoot.

The Good Doctor

Isaac Asimov aka The Good Doctor

More than once.


Who woulda thunk Ants career would start and end with OJ.

where's Ron Sage?

Both these men are pieces of shit but then again I don't like black people.

but then again I don't like black people.

Who does?

This lawyer guy seems like enough of a money grubbing piece of shit to actually follow through with whatever he's trying to do here. I hope he sues and somehow gets all of Anthony's money, primarily so BroJoe will have to get a job.

Hed probably do it pro bono and then do an 80-20 split with orange slicer

Tss, yeah cuz he doesn't like that Joe plays The Edge or sumthin

He got Ant's number with that career and personal failings bit.

Anthony, just like you do with all of your prostitutes/girlfriends and "friends" aka Compound Leeches, scumbag OJ paid this scumbag lawyer to kiss his ass and defend him. You need self awareness. You're no better than them.

I love how this guy demolishes Anthony with class

His white traah bud light brain can't think of a better comeback than "your clients a fawwkin murderer awlright", as if he wasn't already aware

If it had been a famous white football player who was obviously guilty but acquitted by an all-white jury for obviously race-related reasons, would Ant be drunkenly arguing about it a quarter century later?

He's right though, those two niggers really are the lowest of the low. At least Anthony is a business owning person of color.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.