Jordan Peterson on the H3 Podcast now, fellas.

2  2018-02-02 by BabyDinosaurHead2


I don't give a fuck, dude

That's as may be, sir, but let's watch that blue language.

Is that the show with the sexy jew broad who doesn't speak English well? (Yes, it is)

Sometimes she looks hot, sometimes she looks.. shocking. That Seinfeld episode about looking different under certain lights should’ve starred dis bish

I've got a thing for ladies with hook noses that I can't explain. I'll watch this later since everyone's jizzing all over the place for this Peterson guy.

Love that horse faced Israelite.

isn't this that fella selling rugs on twitter?

what are you? 15? go clean your room and fight a dragon or sumptin.

Tssst sort yourself out what are you laundry or sumpting

Carl Jung? Shuuuuurrre... I always said I love Jung, a-həh-ahəh

Tssst sort yourself out what are you laundry or sumpting