Caller smashes Opie for Wesley Snipes bit on Jim and Sam

25  2018-02-01 by RBuddCumia


makes me actually angry that patrice is dead and opie isnt.

Well, at least his career is.

They were all such pussies... Fuck "rocking the boat" or worrying about their pay checks, I mean what the fuck could tits of done if Ant and Jim just took charge and said no we're not doing that, we're doing this.

Theres no telling what compulsive liars with sociopathy can do. He's fucking stupid but just by putting all his energy and time into fucking them over he could cause a lot of damage.

But he was far and a way the least important part of that show, and from all accounts actually a really big problem. Why didn’t you they just say, “when the contract’s up, we’re gone.” The answer is probably that Any is really, really lazy, and just didn’t feel like putting in the necessary work to do that when he was getting paid millions to get up late and leave early. And of course the Worm didn’t want to rock the boat when he’s got dates to sell out.

Don’t let them off so easy. Even back before everyone hated Opie No one would’ve given up on the show if it was just Anthony, Jim, and the others. They are either lying about how much everybody hated him, or they were too chickenshit to strike out on their own without the destroyer. Either way, it’s on them. They’re grown men, they can work with whoever they want to. So either he was useless and everybody hated him, and they are pussies, or they are lying in retrospect about how despised he was, and how unnecessary to the show. They can’t have it both ways.

Yeah you tell ‘em!!

You're not so badass without your sword