This worthless cunt is still around, stretching out her 15 minutes. Also; her tits are looking like they're stretching out too, and she 14...

0  2018-02-01 by TangerineReam


Whu happen? Nice try with the hate though.

She's from my neck of the woods. Boynton beach

You got any intel?

No but i think she does a good job representing us

Whats with this broad's body tho?

She looks good

You tought dis bitch everythang she know.

This shit old, get with it grandpa

This video just dropped today

I'd fuck her

don’t worry i’m sure she’ll go away and her 15 minutes will run out with people still linking her videos and giving her views “hate watching” her stuff.

she can stretch them around my dwack


Imagine having to live with the eternal shame of being the kid of that creature?

Yo dis bich not old enuff to drive da porsche but she bleeds so I buy her da i pad lol as if u wudnt - rich older black men

Ugh guilty white people make me sick.

Black women are UGLY.

Let's get Anthony and her in a relationship. They would be perfect together.

Niggers. Not even once.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.


Can someone transcribe what she said? I can’t understand a fucking word she said.

She should release a sex tape, at least 1 person on long island would pay

She looks good