Ant's not even bothering to suggest Artie might be there today.

18  2018-02-01 by The-Lunger

But it looks like he got Aaron Berg as last minute replacement. I thought he was pretty good the week he replaced Artie last month or whenever it was. EDIT: I confused Berg with Dave Landau. Dave was a good cohost. Also, there tech streaming service sucks.


New show graphics and title on Monday! Unless they want to re-brand it the "Awesome Anthony" show.

Aaron Berg is fucking terrible

I’m surprised this sub doesn’t like him. I’ve listened to In Hot Water a few times, they joke about a lot of shit this sub loves.

Yeah, it's a fun show for 30 minutes a week. Beyond that it becomes irritating though.

No they don’t. They just yell and say faggot and nigger for an hour with 0 funny jokes or wit. They’re the 2nd worst show on the network if you count Taleeb’s show a show

I like his brother Ice much better.

Your joke just crsshed into one.


and you pay for this garbage?

He said yesterday he wud be out 2day