SiriusXM Lost $37 Million in Q4 2017.

62  2018-02-01 by 867-5309-

In the fourth quarter of 2017 SiriusXM lost $37 million.

Clearly they need to cut costs and drop dead weight from their payroll. To achieve this goal, the following people should be terminated immediately by SXM:
- Sam Roberts
- Troy David Hinson
- Jason Ellis
- Dave LaGreca
- Bully Ray
- Pete Dominick

Who would you add to the list of people SXM must fire immediately to cut costs and untalented folks?


jim norton

You forgot Aidsy Norton.

I'm a fool for doing so, but I still hold out hope that Jimmy could redeem himself if he was paired with someone other than new Opie.

He's currently going out with a dude, and not even passable. There's no redeeming him.

Are you really dating someone if they live 4,000 miles away and you pay them with Chaturbate tokens to "date" you?

Who really knows what type of man ass relationship they got going on.

Regardless, he's taking anti HIV medication (or so he claims) because he's up to all sorts of faggotry behind the scenes. Probably truck stops and bathhouses mostly.

Jim Norton is an unfunny faggot. He was, at best, a third mic guy. It’s not 2003 anymore, get over it.

Hi Opie

Opie is a bigger, unfunnier faggot. Jim Norton remains unfunny, gay, and basically a woman.

his incidental phase of goodness is gone. he needed a lot of help being what he was in that time and then he just let himself rust to shit as he would inevitably do.

I think it's more that he's at his best when he's trying to really make Ant laugh. Once Ant left, and he stopped working with anyone he respected, he doesn't get into the headspace he needs to be in.

When he was on Joey Mattress' thing with Ant and Artie, he kept trying to make them and the audience laugh, and as a result he was funny again.

he's going to eat the cost of this. hope he likes morning zoos.

Ricky Gervais

Its a terrible 'show' and it's the same discussion most weeks with names that for the most part are total nobodies in the US. I don't understand how he has got away with getting millions for it.


Rich and covino dropped and give denny the spot. Millions in profit will be their reward.

ME: Told you I was the fawkin star of the show SNIFF

Gail Bennington

Man, I really wanted to like her, but she just doesnt add anything and only repeats what her father says. She should've stayed in the wings a lot longer.

Should have been Ron and Pepper hicks, but I dont think Ron wanted to do a semi-shock jock show anymore and it wouldn't surprise me if Pepper is too much of a passive person to grab the Mic and take the role.

There was at least one Ron and Fez show where Ron asked Pepper if he wanted to be second Mic and take over fez' s role and he declined completely, and was just kind of sheepish about the whole thing.

Plus, of course Ron would want to set his daughter up for a career.

I used to like her. But her incessant eating on mic is too much.

I've never listened but I imagine the show consists of two fatties talking through food in their mouth.

'Talking through food in their mouths' while talking about food. "What's your favorite road trip snacks?" Cue 45 minute segment.

That ass isn't going to stay fat by itself.

I would rather have a happier Ron Bennington than an aggravated one. Fez was just awful.

he will always be a miserable fuck no matter what

2 show at Sirius.

They also came up way short on earnings. The only reason the stock hasn't tanked is because of you faggots. They brought in a million new subscribers, because you cheap fucks keep opening new accounts for the trial offer.

What is stunning is that the CBS Marketwatch headline for a company that just lost $37 million is:
Sirius XM reports Q4 revenue above Wall Street expectations

It's because of growth. That's what gets investors hard. If only they knew u/ihaveaholeinmyass is pumping up the numbahs.

Cause it outperformed expectations.


Jenny McCarthy

Fire Jenny Hutt.

I nominate Chris Rock

-Ron Bennington

I'd fire every last one of those fucking MTV VJs on 8. The old XM-era DJs were actually somewhat talented.

pig gay

Looks like #JusticeForAnt is finally taking it's toll! Keep up the barrage, fellow pests.

Love ya, miss ya BURP

They do things to keep stock raising, to keep the stock holders happy, likely SiriusXM isn't going anywhere anytime soon, they let people make unlimited free trails to listen online and on phone apps, this makes their listener base look so much larger, then they offer cheap deals for people to reuse, even if you only pay $15 for a whole year thats still another new subscription to imply false growth, then you spin net losses as "we're investing profits back into the company/infrastructure" and everyones happy, Amazons been doing the same shit for years.

So stupid they still pay idiot Stern $80M/year. At least they got him to agree to a $20M pay cut, but this is the dumbest financial move in history after the AOL acquisition of Time Warner.

Jim Norton. That building has turned him into an unfunny fruit without the protection of the O&A show. Also can that lefty faggot Pete Dominick.

Shouldn't have fired Gregg "Opie" Hughes.

Fire Opie again.

Sue him for back salary. Clearly paying those zoo-crew hacks of his $1,000/day was just a big fraud, with the nigger and spic paying Gregg half of it back under the table.

It would be better if (((Sirius XM))) just died. Make people go back to regular radio, maybe some of them will start giving a fuck and make radio listenable again?

Radio isn't coming back. Sorry.

Jesus, I didn't know fucking Bubba Ray Dudley has a show now. I take it the whole thing is a bunch of "shoot interviews?"

Howard. Seriously you fire him and you automatically get a profit. He gets $90mil a year.

heh he probably knew, his (((friends))) told him in advance. Thats why he cleaned up his act, not going to catch him saying some shit that could be used to terminate his contract.

he will ride his snooze fest until the last penny.

Half the subscribers would cancel their Sirius if Howard was fired, I know I would.

They'd still retain the bulk of their subs though.

Idk if Sirius will last after Howard leaves. I’m not a Stern groupie but what else do they really got going on? His show is the only one that regularly receives media coverage. No one under 40 uses Sirius for music because most people subscribe to music streaming service & with all the free podcasts out there I just don’t see it lasting. Before I subscribed for the Stern show & Opie & Anthony but now Jim & Sam suck the only reason is Howard & if it was expensive I’d cancele now but I spend the same amount everyday for a pack of smokes in nyc as I do for Sirius sub. But when Stern retires there will be nothing of interest for me anymore so I’ll cancel & I think a lot more people than you think will do the same.

Idk if Sirius will last after Howard leaves.

Satellite radio was around before Howard was on it. It'll be around after he leaves.

No one under 40 uses Sirius for music because most people subscribe to music streaming service & with all the free podcasts out there I just don’t see it lasting.

Truck drivers are a built in market. Most places on the road don't have cellular or wifi so satellite fills the need.

Rich and convino.

How has no one said Roland yet? I hate that fat guy

The entire faction talk line up

Opie hasn’t taken credit for this yet? What - is he napping?

Cocksucker Ron Bennington, FOR bringing that trainable on the air.Ga gaGayle .

I guess sinking millions into a Ricky Gervais radio show long after anybody likes him anymore was a bad idea.

I hope they can Jim and Sam.

Jim and Ant might actually still be funny together, even if they're awful individually.


The building should be imploded. Preferably between 8 and 10am on a weekday

Ellis needs to go, his show is unlistenable, id rather have covino and rich in his spot and they are shit

Gail Bennington, Cabino and Mich, every show on Fraction talks. Jay Oakersons

Cabino and Mich


ah dont you say that

Gonna be great once Howard leaves and they go out of business

From the 2 subscribers they lose? His whole fanbase hates him now.

Defend this Sam Roberts. You may be the 2nd highest rated show, but its like being the first mate on a sinking pirate ship. Fuck him and everyone who looks like him.

Uhm, of course they lost 37 million, didn't they just pay Ricky Gervais like 20 million?...and give Kevin Hart his own channel for a few million...and Howard $300 million over a few years?

Yes, if you give individual people millions of dollars to show up once a month at best while hundreds of other employees work daily for peanuts, you'll "lose" money but it's not an accident. They could pay one higher-up slightly less and make a profit instantly.

How many people still sit through Stern's entire show? Is the small press he gets from celeb interviews really worth tens of millions a year?