Thoughts on Jordan Peterson?

0  2018-02-01 by WhippingHuskies

Personally I believe him to be the best/most positive mouthpiece against the Neo-Marxism that has infested our species. When it's all said and done I think he'll go down as one of the most important figures, as far as philosophers go, of our times.


Marxism is a cancer that won't stop till were all dead as observed here in the USA (and throughout history). We need to cut it out from the source and not stop till it's all gone or it will kill us both liberals and conservatives

Agree 100%. It was designed, financed, spread, and maintained for the sole purpose of destabilizing and destroying nations and peoples. As the West keeps collapsing, anyone who still has any spirit/heart/courage left will have to fight this New Left secret handshake lunacy, and, if victorious, must completely destroy the philosophy or anyone who believes it. A purge is absolutely necessary if civilization is to survive intact, and the people who wrought and unleashed this cancer must be eradicated, alongside their entire bloodlines, full stop. Hm. I never thought I'd become someone like this, funny that.

Sometimes you need the devil to do gods work. Would you feel guilty removing cancer from your body? it's a living thing. I'm with you up to slaughtering children/bloodlines, we must show mercy when necessary. Sometimes a good education goes a long way but most of these brainwashed, marxist loving, spoiled millienals will have to go.

I was talking about wiping out the elite families who have been screwing us for millennia. When it comes to the latter, the overwhelming majority of these liberal Marxist types will become ardent Nazi's at the drop of a hat once their bullshit crashed against reality. As soon as their neighborhoods are no longer safe for their long boards and $20 Frappuccino shops, they'll claim they were " screwed over " by the establishment and come running back over demanding the Patriarchy their enemies. It's always the same with these losers, they've never changed.

“overwhelming majority of these liberal Marxist types will become ardent Nazi's at the drop of a hat once their bullshit crashed against reality” So are nazis are better than Marxist? Most people are neither but a small segment of the population has become either too far left or too far right & both idiologies are equally destructive. Nobody besides the alt-right wants what you are proposing & nobody on the left wants Marxism besides a few nutcases. I’d say there’s probably only about a 100 thousand people on each side of extremist left & right out of the 300 million+ that live in our country. Most people just want to chill & have a comfortable life & aren't consumed with ideological movements that make them want to round up their neighborbors & murder them.

Whose talking about genocide of neighbors. I'm talking about finding the traitors and bringing them to justice, which is capital punishment. Most people, who are mostly centrist are starting to see right through the bullshit, unfortunately the system has been so deeply compromised and set up by design for catastrophe, that bloodshed seems inevitable, unless everyone universally puts their differences aside, and hit the streets in protest against the globalists that have fucked over our entire species.

They're assholes have tried to use our strength and love of freedom against us. They perverted the freedom of the press (who will be responsible for what happens) with bank owned media conglomerates that lie through their teeth to stir up shit with the masses. We have the responsibility to study history and not be afraid to call the bullies for what they are.

Yessum. Interesting times we're living in.

Nazis were socialist too, right now if you cant see the aggression of the Marxist left has caused the rise of the alt-right you're deluded. I could careless about people and what they do as long as it doesn't affect me physically. I'm a full blooded libertarian (david smith is a fag) and proponent of small gov't. Ive noticed in the last decade is the increased psychopathic hypocrisy of the left as Jordan Peterson says. Ive also noticed the fanning of the flames the MSM does to OK the violence against conservatives and thank god every night I have the luxury of the second amendment. Wait till this memo comes out. Stay safe out there

I think you perceive the situation as much more drastic than it actually is. I currently live in Manhattan New York & grew up not far away in Brooklyn & the alt-right who clearly live nowhere near any decent city believes it’s a Marxist cesspool. It’s not I can assure you, you’d never know someone’s political beliefs unless you are friends with them or they are an activist but by and large most are friendly decent people. Cesspool… nothing could be farther from the truth even though a lot of people vote democratic it’s not some hostile atmosphere just like if you visit conservative Salt Lake City you’re not attacked by religious freaks. Bottom line is that the Alt–Right=SJW Marxist & the SJW Marxist=Alt-Right… no difference, they both get easily triggered, have a narrow worldview & both are fringe groups that will never gain power, thank god.

I'm in NYC top it's a Marxist hell hole dominated by disillusioned self-rightoues assholes but it's slowly changing the more people I talk with the more fed up they are. I'm luckly enough to have a decent job but can't stand the taxes and paying for other people while our mta and bridge systems crumble around us. While I agree with you sjws and far right are one in the same emotionally. Which one has more institutional power and which one is more violent? It's not even an argument, maybe I'm surrounded by these soy boys and feminist cunts too much but it's not good in any major us city where there are lefties. They seem to be on a suicide mission and would like nothing further more than seeing our country change.

Did they make the priests of the village run a gauntlet of flails before being thrown off a cliff, like in For Whom The Bell Tolls?


Bit of religious apologist. But a valuable intellectual in the war against the the far left

TBF, as a lapsed Catholic who is disgusted by The Church, and believes it to be largely responsible for this whole mess, I see a re-embracing of Christianity, albeit it a more reformed version to be the best way forward at this point. Mass atheism and lack of respect for our roots is a massive reason for the degeneracy, apathy, lack of conviction, honor, and courage which has landed us here in the first place.

I'm no fan of Christianity, but it does shit all over Islam. I don't have much time for those nihilist yellow fuckers out east either after experiencing their traffic a week or two ago. I also own a couple of Fred Perrys. Uhuru!

You can respect your roots without actually practicing the religious beliefs of your ancestors. Just like you can honor the forefathers of our nation but disagree with some of their actions. Try to emulate past religious beliefs is the reason why Isis exist. They want bring back 7th century Islam because they think it’s become too modern & liberal which is ironic considering even moderate Islam is still by far the most conservative religion. Holding too tightly to religious traditions & lifestyle is the main reason the Islamic world is fucked.

I agree. Which is why I believe Christianity must undergo another reformations and cut lose all that cancer coming from the Vatican and other bizarre Satanic pedophile secret handshake shit that is now undeniable.

That's already happened, Pedro. Feller by the name of Martin Luther fixed it hundreds of years back. If only you left footers would have got with the programme then maybe Spain wouldn't have descended into mediocrity while us British got on with creating the greatest empire the world has ever seen or will ever see.

Another reformation, not the garbage developed by the Germans, which has, again sank Europe. The Americans, in there few hundred years, have created the greatest empire history will ever know, however, including the conquest of space, while the British have essentially been reduced to a caliphate with a Jew reptilian family at it's helm. At least the Spaniards have maintained their dignity, honor, tradition and culture despite the catastrophic collapse of it's empire. If you're ancestors who braved the channel would to see that brown cesspool wearing the 3 Lions jersey at Wembley, they woulda joined the Germans.

Honour and dignity? The bits of your country that aren't full of burning rubbish, violent Islamic North Africans and packs of stray dogs are infested with the red-faced dregs of every British tenement demanding Sky sports and a full English.

Surely an Englishman lecturing a Spaniard on violent Muslims must be done in jest, si? We openly show our disgust, and isolate Muslims to shithole neighborhoods, where they're thrown scraps and left to rot. You disgraceful lot have literally handed your country over to them. As fucked up as Spain is, I can't even imagine a Rotherham situation happening here. What a shame.

Frankly I'm more disgusted at you for bending over to accommodate the stumbling drunken rat faced progeny of my island forefathers. At least the North Africans have shown a bit of zip by being willing to suffer hardship and show some initiative to reach your shores. They didn't sit around gaming the welfare state ms committing petty crime to earn their passage. To take it back to Peterson, his initial stance on refusing to learn and use 23 different pronouns on pain of imprisonment was dead fucking on. He also destroyed that bint on channel 4. He does seem to be an odd combination of incredibly learned academic and 17 year old goth, though.

The expats and North Africans are usually located along the Southern Coasts, along with the rest of the bums, mooching off a broken system, much to the anger of the working class. As the EU continues to collapse, and the money, which is already gone, dries up, I can't imagine any of this ending well.

I hear you cabron. Big test on the horizon for the EU. As naive as I am, I live in hope a bit more respect for the social contract manifests itself before we go all Yugoslavia up in this bitch.

Once the money dries up, the people, who are suffering in silence and impotence as the bankers and their puppet bought sold and paid for political puppets openly humiliate them, will go berserk. As someone who was essentially apolitical my entire life, it's amazing to me how badly the West rested on their laurels and set themselves up for the catastrophe that awaits. Godspeed you snaggle-toothed limey fuck.

Limey/taffy fuck,thank you. There's a cold wind a-fucking blowing. If there is hope, it lies in the proles. They just need to be dragged away from said Sky Sports and high cholesterol breakfasts in the sun..

Amigo, America was built by W. A. S. P. s What does the P stand for?

And by several other European peoples, mine of whom had colonized and civilized vast tracks of the country while your people were sending the Navy as pirates to loot vastly superior empires at the time, and conspiring with and whoring themselves to Jew bankers. By the time the WASP forefathers had rebelled against the German Jew monarchs who hijacked the crown, they had a unique tradition and barely anything in common with their European ancestors. America, against the odds, has been on her own since 1776, don't you dare lay claim to her success, especially while laughing at her with typical unwarranted Anglo smugness

W.A.S.P.s. What does the A and the S stand for?

Our Navy was too busy crushing the Ottoman's and saving Europe yet again. Had it not been for a massive storm, your country woulda been full of far better looking people, but that's alright, your violently disgusting women come down year round to get their vile holes stuffed while you chaps watch awful, poor quality football littered with untalented mulattos. Suffice it to say, our peoples have become a disgrace to our ancestors. The Americans and Slaves couldn't come soon enough to save us from ourselves, yet again.

Please explain specifically how Christianity was inherently necessary in the developments in America you're touting. Most of the people responsible for political and scientific advancement are of course not adherents to a philosophy that is known to be untrue.

Christianity was the cornerstone of American tradition right up until the radical movements of the 60's and consequent deep state infiltrations of those institutions. And the country has been in free fall ever since.

I didn't say it was inherently necessary, but if you can't see the difference between the industrious pragmatic protestants of Northern Europe and the lazy, donkey beating, superstitious guidos down south...


Reform usually leads to a more fanatic and fundamentalist version of a faith emerging -- not the opposite. Wahabbism and ISIS -- as I think you already pointed out -- are in fact reformist strains of Islam. Many of the Protestant sects that emerged in the Reformation were much like the ISIS of their day. In other words puritanical and fanatic. It's kind of a funny myth most people have to think that the Reformation simply caused nice, peaceful and benign strands of Christianity to emerge.

You really do love talking straight out of your ass.

I fuck your sister's ass. I typed that, faggot.

That the conversation went from the moderately highbrow to this is what keeps me coming here.


His faux ignorance of certain subjects annoys me, especially when he acts like he's knows absolutely everything in the history of the world


"Mr. Peterson, if I may, the Jews-"


Like what?

That debate with Sam Harris reveals a lot about how nutty he really is. His academic career is pretty just based on doing parlor tricks with Jungian readings of the Western cannon, not uninteresting but hardly original. Ah peckas.

What was so nutty about what he said during the Harris debate? Never seen it.

It was like a bad acid trip, he just wouldn’t allow the conversation to move off this incredibly trivial point and they literally just stayed stuck for an hour on it. Like whether or not something is actually true whether or not it is morally true, just pure Boboisms.

I'll check this out.

Yeah but what else would he discuss with Sam? Their fundamental disagreements logically follow from those different, arcane understandings of reality and truth. Really, when you get down to that level, everything becomes incomprehensible or banal and tautological.

Afaik his academic career has little to do with what makes him popular. He's a clinical psychologist by profession and not a philosopher. And harris was equally stubborn during the interview so I wouldn't blame it completely on him.

I wasn’t speaking to his popularity, but his academic career has certainly provided the platform for his popularity. He’s a tenured professor and practicing clinician. In that debate, he conflates, just for the fun of it he later admitted, morality and veracity.

Peterson has legitimate academic credentials and seems to be on the correct side of the debate regarding free speech but when it comes to the more complex views for which he has gained mainstream popularity, he appears to be a complete charlatan. It’s nonsensical gibberish.

Those who sing his praises simply enjoy that he makes them feel as if they are smarter than the rest of us. Ask these people to drill deeper into these statements about Marxism, archetypes, postmodernism, etc instead of simply parroting Peterson and they’ll fold up like a tent because they don’t really have a fucking clue what they’re talking about. It’s hero worship.

So what's your point?

I think he's good, he mostly seems concerned with truth, rather than winning intellectual points, he stays calm & composed but still shows his disdain for flawed thinking.

Yup. Which is why I believe him to be the best figurehead for intelectual debate and honesty for resistance to the insanity that's infested civilization. He's not some radical or conspiracy nut who polarizes the populace. Any levelheaded person from all across the racial, ethnic, religious, political spectrum will relate to him and find resonance with what he speaks of.

Yes, & despite being completely logical & science-based, he manages to interpret potential wisdom encoded in (some) religion, making the point that people didn't suddenly become intelligent with Newton/Einstein, so inherent knowledge/wisdom was there but presented mythically in the absence of science.

Correctomundo, Look at the big brains on Toss__Pot.

Does he?


Damn, you're pretty smart too.

Why does this guys name keep coming up, how do people even know who he is? I’ve never seen him on TV or heard him on the radio or on a podcast, I’ve only heard of because he’s brought out on this sub. Isn’t he a conservative college professor or something like that?

He's not even a conservative, really, from what I understand. He's a psychology professor from the notoriously liberal/SJW who started speaking out against the Leftist cancer in academia, which somehow propelled him into a leading figure in the "alt-right" community.

In before "too many words, fag."

He's not really conservative. But he's calling out a (neo-)Marxist or ... well, post-structuralist, deconstructionist, post-modern, critical theorist, etc. stream within certain faculties. Or in other words: All such theorists that attack the very idea of justified dominance hierarchies. That's the underlying common principle of all those philosophies. The antithesis to this would be some fascist system, where basically dominance hierarchies are everything that matters and they are to a large degree set in stone, and always justified in and of themselves. Peterson's view is a synthesis that sees some as good and just (more capable, productive people rise to the top in a meritocracy and get a benefit out of it) and some as bad and injust (you are not allowed to do X because of your race, etc., no matter how good you are, individually).

Joe Rogan

I've only seen a small amount of his stuff, but he seems really reasonable and smart and seems to be doing good. But I haven't seen much, and I've seen him being called an "alt right hero" so I'm sure there's gotta be something nutty that will turn me on him. I'd actually like to see a good criticism of him from a non-leftist/SJW, since they're obviously massively biased and the ones calling him alt-right.

he’s ok, but he still won’t admit niggers aren’t people and the jews are the real problem. he also talks to fast and confuses women which is sexist.

I don’t judge you buddy, but I like girls thanks

Yup. Which is why I believe him to be the best figurehead for intelectual debate and honesty for resistance to the insanity that's infested civilization. He's not some radical or conspiracy nut who polarizes the populace. Any levelheaded person from all across the racial, ethnic, religious, political spectrum will relate to him and find resonance with what he speaks of.

Correctomundo, Look at the big brains on Toss__Pot.

Does he?

“overwhelming majority of these liberal Marxist types will become ardent Nazi's at the drop of a hat once their bullshit crashed against reality” So are nazis are better than Marxist? Most people are neither but a small segment of the population has become either too far left or too far right & both idiologies are equally destructive. Nobody besides the alt-right wants what you are proposing & nobody on the left wants Marxism besides a few nutcases. I’d say there’s probably only about a 100 thousand people on each side of extremist left & right out of the 300 million+ that live in our country. Most people just want to chill & have a comfortable life & aren't consumed with ideological movements that make them want to round up their neighborbors & murder them.

Yessum. Interesting times we're living in.

Damn, you're pretty smart too.