Bonfire had that fat black sassy comic' back on the next day

70  2018-02-01 by Dennyislife

Fuck them. I knew I was correct never listening.


I agree with this sentiment, though they were hardly going to get doug "more successful career and critical acclaim than the entire los team combined" stanhope in again

Why do the skanks pander to this charcoal Boss Hogg. She straight out fuckin sucks on any format. Do they think shes gonna be the next to blow up, and take them with her to primetime? This cunt isnt the next Monique, as hard as she may try to be.

They're running into the opie radio connundrum, they bring in "friends of the show" most episodes. They just don't need to. Let Dan riff for 2 hours and the show will be just fine. I think Jay pushes for a 3rd mic almost every show. Just stop. The chemishtree is just fine between the guys and the production staff, except for Christine.

They probably secretly hate each other already like Opie and Anthony did, and they need a buffer like Norton was.

I think that Comedy Central may force a lot of the comics on them. Most times the guest comic will have a Comedy Central special to plug.

Listen to last night's LoS when it comes out for free on Monday. Only Jay defended her. The rest of them took Stanhope's side and criticized Jay for how he handled it.

I really think that Luis doesn't like Jay or his gimmicky shit anymore. He needed him as the big name when LoS first started. But those days are long gone gone.

Yep everyone hates the pontificating naughty Dave Atell impression

Hey Flaherty, calm down a bit, she's Bennington's favorite comic

The few times I listened it’s clear that J is awful. He is not funny on the radio and can’t direct a show. I like Dan Soder. Not sure how people view him around here, and I do t really care. He seems like a legit side kick.

I don't understand the hate Big J gets here unless it's just an excuse to make fun of fat people. Was he a regular on the Opie show or something like the only time I've seen him is when he told the story of his asshole drug addict comic friend lying about a Korn concert and I thought that was funny radio. I also liked him on Rogan. Do I think he's the next big thing? No but I don't think he's really that horrible I mean he talks pretty candidly about how stupid he looked trying to do black clubs early in his career.

A little sensitive about your weight eh?

I'm actually very skinny and that does bother me but come on.. I made a reasonable point about Jay, I don't think I deserve the weight jokes

Of the deserved abuse I see Jay get, I think his fattypig body is far down the list. I personally hate the bitch tone he gets when he’s attacked and he passive-aggressively whines that “he’s not upset” but he stops talking and needs to be consoled before he’ll participate again.

you're defending a duy who unironically dresses like a 17 year old from the early 2000s at age 40 and pushing 350lbs. Get a grip.

You seem to be confused sir, I was just simply asking why all the hate and maybe some links for me to get a better idea of who he is besides his Rogan appearance. Yes, it's very funny all your observations but really has nothing to do with my question.

Well I just gave you one reason. Its worse though since you acknowledge he has self awareness when looking at his urban style, yet obviously lacks it now.

Well isn't it always easier to look back than in the moment?

Yes but it's also easier to not make the same mistakes twice.

I'd been wondering, does this guy think Big Jay is the next big thing?

I agree. I've seen Jay four times in a club setting and he murders every time. On the radio or on a podcast, he's mediocre and falls back on bad verbal habits too much.

Yeah I’ve never seen his stand up and going off what I see around here I would imagine he has to be at least decent. People don’t let much slide around here

He has gotten better over the past three years I've been seeing him. Saw him the last time a few months ago and his jokes have gotten better, along with his crowd work.

They looka scared, Bob Bowie to Y'all.

Big Jay thinks he’s Pee Wee Reese putting his arms around Jackie Robinson to let the crowd know he’s a friend of mine, thus a friend of ours. Big Jay’s a fucking loser. He doesn’t have a winning bone in his body. He’s weak and that’s why he fails. Most fat talented comedians are successful, popular and dead by 40. That putz is still whining about not making it, still getting into the fetal position and laying his head in koppelman’s lap bawling his eyes out about why Dan Soder’s negotiating is delaying him from getting a non drive time radio show

Jay’s girlfriend/board op was the only one who defended Stanhope. I expected more from Soder. What does this Yamaneika have on these guys?

She's a black female

So is Anthony


board op?

She’s the board operator. It means she takes the phone calls and runs the mics and soundboard, like Opie used to do on O&A.

Board Opie.

That groveling "Yamanigger, you're so good at this" from Pig Jay, in the middle of the discussion was grotesque.

I begrudgingly think Jay is funny sometimes but he makes it really hard when he pulls shit like that

I saw him at the Cellar once and he was he worst comedian in a pretty mediocre line-up. Lazy crowdwork and black cock talk the entire set.

I've heard him be funny once or twice, but 'The Bon(dumpster)fire' is mostly 2 mates doing voices to amuse each other (& not in a good way), & Jay's recent stances are especially abhorrent from a fat guy who uses his almost-fame to get drunk girls into threesomes, where he thankfully keeps his t-shirt on.

You expected soder to pick a side? I'm suprised he didn't try to do a silly voice to break the tension. l don't know who is worse at dealing with direct conflict, soder or cumia

To be fair, Soder is high off his ass when he broadcasts.

yeah I like soder too

But the difference is that Soder is actually that kind of guy all the time. Meanwhile Anthony says OJ Simpson should be murdered and calls an attorney a cockring on Twitter, while being terrified of Ron Bennington and Colin Flaherty getting annoyed at one another.

Most of this sub seems to share views with Colin but wouldn't want to have Ron hate them either.

Good point. I can't see soder at home walking around in his underwear with a gun strapped to his chest

I’m not mad I’m just disappointed

Hey black lady, ewww yeahhhh. I'm the Macho Man!!!!!!!

Pig gay oikerson

honestly, stanhope was just really drunk, they were right to throw him off the show, he was in a cumia-esc drunken rage

He was a mess, but she took pre-emptively took offense to something he wasn't even going to say. I'm pretty sure she thought he was going to make fun of her fat blackness but he was just going to make the point that every single person regrets fucking at least one person and everybody is that regret for somebody.

uhh listen to his comments leading up to the sex bit, he came in with dumb black people comments, asked her if she was a tranny, and then his screaming rant afterwards

You don't belong here

asked her if she was a tranny that's just hilarious

Someone called into J&S this morning and said the first thing out of Dougs mouth when she got in the room was "oh here come some negros". That would be hilarious if even true, but would also explain her being a bit cranky. She is still hateable though

yeah why would you want an unpredictable veteran comedian on a comedy show

Man that was just embarrassing have him try and knock Stanhope down a peg or two just to idk make her feel better? Such a bitch move

Stanhope could barely speak when he arrived on the show. Of course a drunk alpha comic will say some stupid shit and of course she went literal stereotype


However, angry Soder yelling about pussy keyboard warriors was pretty funny since he's usually chill.

she really is a damn minstrel show

So they took advantage of an inebriated man to make bigger ratings? Sounds like a studio full of ssscumbagss.

She told everyone around her today that she wasn't scared, she went right back on that show and pretended being fat doesn't bother her.

Being fat should both her. It’s unbecoming.

She's of lower stock

ssSHhEEeeDddd EeHHppppP!

It's going to kill her prematurely. And that's OK.

She's beautiful inside, aside from the plaque on her arteries.

And the thick, hard, calcified fat in her abdominal cavity.

Does it bother her that when the subway car smells funny and she is the fattest one in it, that everyone thinks its her?

we must break her.

I attempted a half dozen times to search that moo cow’s name on Twitter. I had to copy & paste her name from the bonfire site to find it.

How long is she on?

I truly don't understand these two.

Gay is as goes does.

cumia has made it clear how he feels about Jay

Funny that this fuckin retard calls Jay spineless, yet he can't even have face to face conflict with anybody on his own show. Fuck you Ant, you alcoholic child fucker, I hope you end up broke.

Jesus, Ant. Did they mention this when he was on Skanks?

I think this is a bamboozling, look at the twitter handle

Hahaha oh right.

That's a fake account.

Who in their right mind would want to pretend to be Anthony Cumia...jesus...

EVERYONE involved acted like fucking retards....

Stanhope was sloppy, unfunny embarrassment trying to convince himself he's a New Hunter S. Thompson and not a slovenly one-note alcoholic everyone's bored with. "Fat Loud Black Woman" character acted in her predictable way.... Only way her IQ permits her to respond.

Soder & Jay groveling and trying WAY TOO HARD to pretend Fat Loud Black Woman is a good comedian... (in a way they'd never find necessary w an actual good comedian)

I love Stanhope and he's got a great live show, but that's gotta be the drunkest and sloppiest I've heard him before. The "I'm going to win in 1 sentence" bit was embarrassing, and I hope this was a one-off moment and not a sign that the alcoholism has turned his brain to mush.

Her reaction was still a million times more embarrassing, though. She actually thinks her zinger about how silly his suit looks is going to make him feel bad!

He'd literally been drinking since at least 10am most likely beforehand. This was 7pm. I am going to suggest he has a drink problem.

she's still bitter over the beating Patrice and Dean Edwards gave to her on Patrice's show. Someone posted that episode and Patrice had her in a corner.

But if you never listened why would you start now?

I was looking for Stanhope appearance on demand and the next show was up with her name in the title.

He treated her exactly as the same as he would treat anyone else, and after they threw him off, that bitch had the gall to claim he was treating her unfairly. If you want to be a female comic, and hold your own with the males, how about you fucking observe how they behave around each other?

It's also a disgusting personality trait to assume dishonesty rather than recognising your own paranoia.

I'm thoroughly appalled at her.


token completely interchangeable overweight black female. literally, they could replace her with any fat black woman and no one would notice.

I think a real Jocktober assault is due. Who's with me?


She's a Reubenesque woman.. no I'm sorry. She's GROTESQUE

Can someone make a list of what podcasts stanhope did that day in order? I think he started on stern in the morning

Hopefully Doug will see this and say that he should slow down on the drinking. If he wasn’t plastered he would have annilihated her multiple flawed argument