Hey guys. I’m still trying to give Jim and Sam a chance. I listen most days, but it is getting really hard. They suck really bad. Jim has AIDS, direct from Nordic Tranny Cum. Sam has a piss balloon for a dick and slaves for ancestors.

0  2018-02-01 by tranthonyhughes



Wow, your a really deep thinker man

hey buddy, fix that “your” while it’s still safe

anyone who fixes peoples grammer unironically desrves a kick to the shin

Yea man being not retarded is for faggots. Keep bucking the system you rebel

Spelling things wrong isn't retarded. Correcting them is a worthless dig though

Well you did change it...and it's grammar you ignoramus.

I didn't change anything

Either I'm retarded or you changed it back to fuck with me. I'm definitely retarded.

lol np