Is Chris Rock the sub's new hero?

23  2018-02-01 by TangerineReam


They won't like that from who had otherwise become quite a docile negro. I guess they didn't realized he was financially raped from his divorce.

Apparently his wife sucked too. Louie kind of referenced that in one of his episodes.

I'm sure (((they))) are already plotting how to hurt him the most.

Chris has protection from (((Jerry))).

Rock is still one of these "Everyday Racism" fags, but he's also a true comedian from the pre-SJW days. He's not afraid of being directly crass with something thats hurt him, that could be "problematic" to talk about these days.

But...but...his ex-wife Malaak Compton-Rock is the founder and executive director of StyleWorks; a non-profit, full-service salon that provides free services for women leaving welfare and entering the workforce. If she runs a non-profit, I'm sure she doesn't need Rock's money and can stand on her own, right guys?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Chris Rock is the greatest stand up comedian of all time.

He's in the top ten atleast.

Chappelle's latest specials put him in that place for me. Rock has a Netflix special coming out this year that might put him up there again.

His last special was only 15 minutes of jokes in the entire thing. The ones before that were better.

He was only supposed to do three. The last one was a freebie, I think.

I love him. My favorite comedian

I was 100% in line with Chris Rock when he said "The niggas have got to go".

black guys vs niggas bit is one of my favorite comedy bits of all time, not even a rock fan.

Shocking, kikes didn't find it funny

This is from November and this is the first I've even heard of it. He will be fine.


I already liked Chris Rock. Now I like him more. Chris Rock always kept it real when it came to talking about women. "Who lie more, men or women? Women. Look at you. Everything about you is lie. Your face don't look that. You ain't that tall. Everything about you is a lie. And you expect me to tell the truth. Fuck you".

"Nobody was laughing," she continued. "There were many boos and many women who were telling him he was a sexist pig. Two people got kicked out."

what a fun loving crowd. a comedy club is the place for them!

And I love the amount of editorializing that's acceptable in any kind of 'reporting' now. They literally tell you how you're supposed to feel reading the article. I hate today.

it’s in half the fucking headlines on these hack blogs disguised as news websites nowadays, too.

“this new movie has a 15 minute interracial transgender love scene - and that’s a good thing!”

“an african mother shaved her pubes and glued them to a statue of george washington - and it was beautiful!”

It's such a joke. It's knee jerk bullshit. They know what sells and who to cater to, and they just go for it. "Journalistic integrity" is a punchline now.

Kind of crazy how it's "shocking" and "cringey", when it is really just the truth. People are so scared of reality. There are enough capable men and women out there that if you run a business, and are a little sketched out that you see so many gray area "rape" accusations at workplaces, its not allowed to enter your head to play it safe. You have to hire "strong womyn" that aren't strong at all, many earn that title from making rape claims, just because they feel entitled and that is a freedom and a choice that is removed from you. But someone pointing that out is "shocking" and worthy of boos, walking out, and cringing. Even if there are legitimate reasons that is wrong(which I doubt), he just provided a perspective, and it was considered a wrong thing to do that someone had to apologize for. We are living in a terrible time.

Yes. And the thing is: You should be able to hire women. But you have to hire women that aren't going to go along with this #metoo shit, and are looking to dive into their work in the same way men do, no questions asked and WITHOUT special treatment. Rock can hire whomever he wants, but he has to be a bit of an "authoritarian" now, in his hiring process. Because it's JUST HIM that's running the Chris Rock brand. He has to lay out all the aspects of what he's looking for personality-wise, who he works well with, how they can expect to be treated and the kinds of attitudes and talk that won't be tolerated under any circumstances. That's the only way you can knock out the gold diggers. Let them go to the media and whinge about his hiring practice; he has to stick to his guns, because if he lets these fruits in with their rhetoric, they could easily flip against him with some faggy #metoo story down the line and try to take him for whatever money he has left. Feminists have said that even if the man being accused is innocent, they're still going to make him pay anyway. That's the mentality that's being pushed through discourse. So you have to take defensive measures. It's natural.

If a woman is crying rape, just put your hand over her mouth.

"Don't worry Lena Dunham: If I raped you, you'd cum!"

  • MDE

It's such a joke. It's knee jerk bullshit. They know what sells and who to cater to, and they just go for it. "Journalistic integrity" is a punchline now.

His last special was only 15 minutes of jokes in the entire thing. The ones before that were better.