So I was hanging out with my fellow veteran comics and this rookie walks up to our table like he belonged there

8  2018-01-31 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I knew I had to put this amateur in his place, so I waited for everyone to stop laughing at my most recent, put down. Right as he was about to join in on the frivolity I cut him off. "Nice shoes, dick," I said.

His face went white as the other veteran's howled at my lightning fast improve skills and the sheer viciousness of my insult. As he ran from the table I could see tears streaming down his face. "What a civilian," I proclaimed.

A week later I was talking to the owner of the venue and the subject of the young comic came up. Turns out he quit comedy forever and then killed himself. I just responded by saying, "I hope he used a shotgun with a toe attachment" and we both howled with laughter.


that is sport trash talking at its finest

Hey I found something less funny than comedian process talk

...repetitive impersonations of it on reddit

"civilian" wasn't even a deroatory or condescending word at first, it was just used to clarify a detail occasionally in stories on podcasts, but people freaked out over it and it ended up as a big twitter war with kurt metzger. it really isnt used that often like people act like it is

Shut up, stupit

Nice post, does it come in men's?

Let's go to snowy from Michigan SNOW-AYY

We've got snowy from Michigan on the line

I see not everybody appreciates the process..sniff

Shut up, stupid