Longer set up

84  2018-01-31 by RBuddCumia


This is an Opie-level tweet.

No way. All the words are spelled correctly

Opie was never up his own ass as much as this

Too many likes

Keith the Flop

Fruit Schilling

What a totally rellatable scenario.

it really isn't at all like that, huh?

five comments into the thread and two of 'em are literal jim. nice work, boys.

no see i was doing the thing too

you fucking herb

tssss.... herb... tsss whadya gettin zooted or sumthin?

ahh chip you always know how to bring it back

At least the payoff sucked.

What is this dumb dago nigger even talking about

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Whoa whoa whoa! Not cool dude! The preferred nomenclature is "spaghetti nigger"...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

I hope a German Shepard skull fucks you.

I'm exhausted.

That is an incredibly specific analogy.


I’m glad his dad is dead.

I am sure that his death was largely shame related.

His dad probably is too.

This is without hyperbole less funny than anything Opie or Bobo have ever said.

Snowflakes and Libtards amiright?

U triggered? MAGA!

You know a joke is great when the premise rests on the audience being dictated to and having memories and experiences they never had attributed to them. "You would get scolded by their..."

Would I?

Keith is revealing repressed memories through shitty political opinions

Unlike Opie who has repressed mammaries

Yea... u wanna suck em?

i disagree OP, i think the setup is too long actually.

True. Opie is much more succinct and intelligent and successful. Kieth is just a closing time cocksucker that knows someone that used to be famous.










What an absolute moron.


Keith the Op

Can we please just ban the elderly from all social media

i have never once in my 30 years met a friends grandmother.

Keith the cock

Its the tough situations like this that typified Keiths childhood that destined him for a life of crime fighting, and righting society's wrongs

I was expecting Uncle Paul to show up somewhere half-way through that story.

I literally got bored about 50% of the way through that tweet. Who looks at this crap and thinks " man this guy could produce a radio show!"

At least compared to Opie it seems Keith the cop is putting up the numbahs on Twitter.

I hate his stupid selfie with his dumb little cracker hand holding his phone.

Keith The Teenage Girl.

Listening to keith the cop is like listening to a smug and incompetent douche, except...well, hm

Worst thing is it's just not something many people actually experienced.

How can you fail so hard at making a joke about how awful that wretched cunt is? You suck, Keith.

All of Keith’s chums at the Compound poker table complimented him on the tweet. FFB in particular was highly laudatory.

This guys good

Keith the Flop

I hate this fucking mall cop wanna be so bad


no see i was doing the thing too

you fucking herb

Keith The Teenage Girl.

You know that feeling when your Iranian dad fucked your dyslexic sister with the turkey wing on thanksgiving.