Anthony is in the middle of a twitter dispute with OJ's lawyer. OJ's lawyer is already threatening legal action.

117  2018-01-31 by RBuddCumia


Dummy took the bait and flat out said he wished for OJ's death. Looks like Ant will be getting a new account. Ant is getting schooled. He just cant help himself.

He can't behave?

His people his people have a certain predisposition to violence.


Haha, it would be nearly poetic. Ant going broke after a lawsuit from OJ's lawyer. The one thing that kickstarted his career and made him all that money in the first place.

LOL whatever. Any lawsuit would be tossed.

Oh you literal penguin.

Should change that F to a D.

Nordberg's lawyer just got a new follower in me, a schmuck from a subreddit of a dead radio show. 2018 sure is odd.

It's 5pm now. In 14 hours he'll still be awake, still be arguing on twitter, but he'll be way, way, way, way, way more drunk.

Jesus fucking Christ, he's still posting about him

There is no way this ends well for Anthony, and, in all likelihood, stupid Joe. Their inability to shut up is about to be on display.

I can't wait.

His lawyer’s twitter bio is fascinating, five time marathon “finisher” with a personal best of 3:54:00... look out, this guy is is a REAL problem!

All attorneys of fucking scumbags, but this guy is really going for it.

Anthony did have a good one though..."Also, yes, I hope Fred Goldman dispatches OJ like the parasite he is. Clear enough Johnny Cockring?"

Johnny Cockring HA HA HOLY SHIT

How can anyone not love Anthony?

Pretty easy actually

He’s hilarious and entertaining. I don’t care about his values — I’m not dating him.

He hasn't been hilarious or entertaining in about six years.

He's an insufferable, hypocritical asshole to boot. So, fuck him.

He’s picking twitter fights with OJ’s lawyer. You’re blind if you don’t see the humor here.

Every sane person can see how hilarious this situation is, but he isnt doing it for humour. Thats why its easy to hate him.

well, if you're a golfer...

How can anyone not love Anthony?

His father did a pretty awesome job of it.

aw jeez

I started following Anthony again as a result of this one:

Obese black women have been coddled by society for so long. Telling them everything they do is amazing and they always look stunning. It’s given them the confidence of brain surgeon super models. She seriously thinks a no man EVER regretted fucking her? Please.



I really hope they make an example out of Anthony.

He called the guy Johnny Cockring. I thought that was pretty funny...

OJ Simpson's lawyer DESTROYING Ant on Twitter made my week

You are blocked from following @AnthonyCumiaxyz and viewing @AnthonyCumiaxyz's Tweets. Learn more

Anthony will never learn his lesson, no matter how much smaller his audience gets.

Probably not much longer until Tony Twelve-Pack starts drunkenly tweeting "I KNOW MY RIGHTS" and spouting unrelated black crime statistics at this guy.

Strap in.

....oh, and the lawyer's black, too. This is superb.

lol Anthony is getting owned. You know he's so angry, spewing about in his house with Joe in the corner simple-minded agreeing with and echoing everything he's saying. An intelligent black person is making him look like such a jackass. I wonder what demographic's disproportionate crime statistics will be discussed on tomorrow's AA?

I get it. The majority here hates Ant for understandable reasons. All well and fine... but come on now. Fuck this lawyer, and fuck OJ.

I couldn't get away with a DUI in my own driveway, but this motherfucker can blatantly slay two humans, lose a wrongful death lawsuit, AND get away with it?

Fuck that. Fuck you. And most importantly FUCK them both.

While Ant is irredeemable at this point, especially with such a drop in his level of funny, I'm on his side. To add to your reasons, what a little fucking faggot baby making threats to take down tweets that hurt you. Fuck him, I hope he has has a horrible stroke and is paralyzed.

It's giving me a reason to tweet out jocktober pictures and memes.

Hopefully OJ kills Cumia.

I'd settle for hero cop Mark Fuhrman beating the shit out if him, after using Missy as a human shield and throwing her down a staircase.

If I remember correctly he wasn't too fond of interracial couples.

That'd lead to some funny sidebar pics for a day or two. We'd probably even get another Porsalin animation. Fingers crossed.

Black on black crime, ah, it’s a tough one.

First ever black on black crime thats knife vs gun.

Anthony is way too big of a pussy to ever use his gun on anyone but a girlfriend. He let Danny's friend steal from his prostitute and wouldn't even come out of the basement to face the guy.

Just wipe each other out.

Ant's neighbors already refer to their street as a chocolate shithole.


I don't like the inference of your comment and I'm offering 5k to whoever can get this account banned. You guys ruin lives!

I hope this sends him back to jail somehow. Anthony, that is. Not OJ.

With OJ whiting up and making a song parody about it.

Electric Chair pock faced Shock Jock er sumtin

He's now bringing up Ant's firing and twitter habit. Lol minorities.

This guy knows Anthony too well.

Malcolm LaVergne‏ @SinCityAttorney Replying to @AnthonyCumiaxyz

I'd be happy to, Mr. Cumia, but you made a call to action threat toward my client Mr. Simpson. I've asked you to delete the tweet, and your responses indicate that you have nothing to lose: no career, no money, and no reputation. If you did, you'd comply with a simple request. M.

What do you do for a livin, character?

"call to action" - i do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Anybody want a peanut?


If only there were a group of dedicated misanthropes that Anthony could turn to to make this lawyer's life miserable until he threw up the white flag. Unfortunately, no group like that exists to "effect Anthony's life" in a helpful way.

I don't think Ant has the power to point "pests" in any direction now.

Yep, he RUUUIINED it.

Fred from Brooklyn, brother Joe, and Steve from Bayshore are gonna fuck this guy's world up

Imagine a world in which SAMCRO Joe gets in this lawyer's face, and then the lawyer (purely out of the goodness of his heart, and not out of some petty sense of revenge) takes on Joe's wife's alimony and child custody cases pro bono.

Don’t forget Big A and Bobo.

i wonder if the lawyer knows about "Electric Shock OJ"

Someone should get it out there to him. It's time he knows.

Looks like OJ hired a real professional

Johnny Pockran

Wow, what a surprise!!!

Hey,wonder if OJ detective agency gotta any new leads. How much is thata rewarda.$$$$$$$.

How do these fuckin guys keep giving this subreddit so much material? O&A is truly the show that keeps on giving.

I really hope this is the series finale so that i can move on already.

What happened to taking down the subreddit, Ang?

Ron and Nicole would be alive and well today if OJ's attempt on their lives mirrored Anthony's crusade to kill this sub. Picture a raving OJ on the street corner outside the gates, drunkenly pleading with passers-by to do his dirty work for five grand.

For all the shit talk that Vos mouthed nigger SaiyanZ drools out of his blithering shothole about how much this “sub rips him off for content,” just an hour ago he posted another Newport nicotine ridden video titled: “Anthony Cumia is battling OJ Simpson’s lawyer on twitter.” Fucking mumblin’ moon cricket trolls this sub for content by the minute, without question.

I looked you up, Mr. Cumia. Haven't you had issues with losing your career to Twitter before? Now you're in the media abyss with that other SiriusXM flunky junkie Artie Lange.

Your responses indicate that you have nothing to lose: no career, no money, and no reputation.

Fair enough, Mr. Cumia. I'm sure you didn't back down to SiriusXM either when they bounced your career out the door and on your head.

Very classy fan base you've built for yourself, I see.

Gotta hand it to him, he's pretty accurately surmised Ant's state of affairs for the last several years.

Can't sue him for slander!

Looks like a fake account, no real lawyer would do this on Twitter. Even Anth was being careful not to feed into this too much.

Anthony Cumia@AnthonyCumiaxyz

I’m not complying to your request because I don’t back down from pieces of shit vultures like yourself. Also, yes, I hope Fred Goldman dispatches OJ like the parasite he is. Clear enough Johnny #Cockring?


It would be interesting if Mr. LaVergne was made aware how Mr. Cumia launched his way to superstardom with a video advocating his client's execution, performed in blackface, and making chimpanzee noises at one point. Theoretically speaking, of course.

Good god, he sure does dwell on the past, you know? Who the fuck is talking about OJ anymore?

I hope when Ant's done shutting down reddit he has enough energy left to defend himself.

Still waiting for him to go "sparkling wiggles" on his ass


Can't sue him for slander!