I Love Norm

239  2018-01-31 by VanishingKurtMetzger


I hear Norm’s tweets in my head in his voice so I can never tell if he’s serious.

just described the only reason he's able to push his right leaning opinions without getting destroyed. he knows exactly what he's doing countersignaling the anti-white guy stuff. This woman happens to be jewish and is active in jew promotion media events. Shocker.

"Nice book, stupid" would have worked too

too harsh man, that would drive her to suicide

(((Monied friends)))

Nell Scovell is a real jerk.

Its spelled k-i-k-e

The jerk of all jerks!

A real (((jerk))).

She's a dirty dog!



Norm really is an old soul

What's going on between Mark Harmon and Miss Piggy?

Mark Harmon demanded a blowjob from her backstage at the Cable Ace Awards in '04.

Why bring big Amy into this thread?

I got confused aswell

People are starving for comedy to go back to being comedy. They want to laugh without being glared at by both ideological sides for laughing. In the same way that people don't want to go to the alt-right because they hate the left. They just want everything going back to being sane again. That's why Peterson is so huge right now, and that's why people love and support Norm.

If Norm keeps pushing, he could save comedy.

I love soap box Norm.

Me too, sports commentator Norm is the worst though. You would think a guy that has lost as much money as he has gambling would realize he isn't Tony Romo when it comes to sports.

You don't like live PGA twitter commentary?

Predicting a game's result has almost nothing to do with analyzing what happens on the field. Tony Romo can predict what the next play call will be, but then will predict the Titans "keep this game close with the Pats," only to get destroyed by 21 points.

Norm even has the famous story of betting on a boxer just because some asshole next to him at the window put a huge chunk on him, only to then learn it was "Longshot Louie," a degenerate rich guy who bets on big dogs without any rhyme or reason.

Both Norm and that guy weren't betting on that dude because he has a special technique or gameplan or whatever -- they're just gambling.

The point is, if Norm and Tony Romo each bet 100 football games, they're almost guaranteed to both win about 48 of them. No one is immune from that, no matter how much they think they know.

Norms really hot under the collar, isnt he?

Women are cunts

Women are... oh yeah.. CUNTS !

Jews are worse.

Oh dear. Book lady might be in for it.

fuck em up norm show that sheenie who's boss


The n stands for nose in this case

Its spelled kike

You Dare Mock The Son Of A Shepherd?!

Dead-poverty is a stretch. Both of Norm's parents were teachers, that's the reason he's so well read.

And both of Bobby's were bakers and that's why he's so well fed.


I'm hearing this in a 50's Transatlantic voice

Like Ant’s old time radio voice? The few-chah!

If only both of Opie's parents were morticians.

Yeah, and teachers in Canada, so lots of social gimmedats. Don't know why you're getting the down-voting treatment.

I love Norm's comedy and a jew broad getting put in her place. He wasn't dirt poor, his older brother afforded and graduated college. Norm was a 14 year old run away choosing to be "poor." He clearly has Daddy issues.

Norm is so great because his comedic style is literally mocking comedy. He was the first troll to ever exist

Hey ah, you hear about that ah Hitler guy?

The worst part is the hypocrisy!

I disagree. I think it's the rape.

No, that's the best part.

Pretty sure this dumb cunt deleted her original tweet talking shit about Norm, too.

So strong, so brave!

Normas family is pretty amazing. One of his brothers has schizophrenia but his other brother Neil is a foreign correspondent and reporter with CBC news in Canada. They're a very low down background...Imagine the Cumia Brothers with talent and without one of the brothers having to mooch off the other one.

Nell Scovell? I hear she jerks off punks under the Queensboro bridge for 15 bucks a man

Do you have the whole exchange? she deleted the offending tweet


Norm is just an old lump of coal... he just can't find purchase in this new fangled world that just doesn't seem to need heavily xanaxed stand ups that were too weird to over learn to drive, by gosh.


So you're a fag?
Good for you and all those homeless niggers.

Try harder


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


delete this!


Are you a bad bot?


Okay, I get it, you're a fag too. Big whoop, fag.

The n stands for nose in this case

Okay, I get it, you're a fag too. Big whoop, fag.

Its spelled kike

No, that's the best part.
