Who’s selling O&A bootlegs for $3 an episode?

41  2018-01-31 by VanishingKurtMetzger


I don't know, but he's really gonna corner that niche market of Opie and Anthony fans who have never heard of YouTube.

The octogenarian crowd.

or the directory that has every episode since 2004, along with R&F, that I'm not sure anybody is supposed to talk about anymore.

Went private because of Opie, I believe.

What would said hypothetical, non-exiting directory’s link be..?

Think you discovered how redbar makes money.

u/peckahnator, comment?

u/proudofyourboy2 comment?

His parents were kind enough to make his money for him already

Can't be Opie. He would never try to profit from something that Anthony and Jimmy were a huge part of...

Maybe just get a little taste.


ME: Niiice... that's going on a shirt!

Opie. Divorce is expensive

Didn't they used to sell the show on Audible?


I dunno, "Best of Jim Norton" for $5 looks pri-tee interesting ....

It's 4 hours of complaining about airline food

And foam pillows in hotels. Bleccheroo.

Audible has been selling old shows for years. I couldn't find a particular show I was looking for for years, and they had it.

I don't know, but if they have 04-08 era than it might actually be worth it to me. The show was never funnier than that particular era. Jimmy in particular was fucking amazing back then. It's depressing to hear what he's become.

you don't have to pay for that, it's out there.

Goto piratebay and look O&A 2004, 2005, 2006, etc. The torrents are between 10-28gb usually.

Also if anyone has 2011 we are all stuck at 89.9% for the last 6 months. Would really appreciate a seeder.

Same guy that hosts O&A audio on Youtube with commercials every 10 minutes.

More importantly... who's buying O&A bootlegs for $3 a pop?

E-rock, he trades tapes

The ghost of Foundry Music


My guess? (((David)))

Goddammit Bobo

That guy with the lisp with no job that keeps showing up on my YouTube recommended lists

Opie I bet

I bought a couple of those 10 years ago



That website CrystalOne has like every single episode of O&A, Howard, etc. ever made and they sell it for profit. Not sure how.

Probably illegally.