Pig Gay Oinkerson

59  2018-01-31 by zuckmydick


He looks like the son of a sex worker.

Fetal alcohol child


That title is so lazy and stupid that its funny.

Just like Big Jay

except the funny part

I hate to admit this, but he would actually be decent looking if he lost the weight. No discipline having cocksucker.

It’s true, and that makes it worse. There should be motivation for him every time he looks in the mirror and realizes that there is someone way better looking buried underneath all of that lard. All he has to do is not eat like a retard and actually get up and move around for half an hour a day. I like Jay but I despise the mentality of fat people.

He's a handsome fella. This is a terrible picture, though.

Yeah? Why don't you marry him?!

and shaved, and got a grown up’s hair cut, and took out his hot topic piercings, and covered up his papa roach tat’s, and took off his bitchin’ biker gloves, and developed a decent personality, and became even mildly funny, and bathed regularly.

he’d be a 6.

he would look like a natural born cock sucker

This kinda stuff really hurts his fat-kid feelings.

Don’t slander Gannon by comparing him to big gay

Porky Oinkerson.

He looks like a spoiled rich girl


You guys know he toured with Korn a decade ago, right?

The thing that bugs me most about this tub of shit is his incredibly average comedy act.

And the gloves

And the blonde highlights for that extra edge

I just thought he was trying to bring out his inner faggot...

The only one uglier and more pathetic than jay is his cum dumpster girlfriend. All the other comedians laugh that he committed to a comedy waitress. She even put him in a cuck situation p.

His manicured eyebrows simply don't square with his morbid obesity.

The face of man whose expressions always seems to say “sorry world, I guess this really is me”.

Cool smirk, 16 year old rich jewish girl

if you took a composite of everyone attending a marilyn manson concert in 2002, I think you'd get pretty close to this

This could 100% be a photo of one you fat niggas that were fans of this show. Act like this dude right here look any different than the fat slobs that run this sub.

He admitted on Bonfire that he likes to fuck with Korn playing in the background.

Brave trans-man doesn't let discrimination stop him from playing bass in a Disturbed cover band