Check out the empties, maaaaaaaaaaaaan!

55  2018-01-31 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Hahaha remember when Bobby called him b-cup?

Haha stupid Opie was calling Bobby fatty and Bob reminded Opie that he's a man that has a bosoms.

Wasn't this faggot well into his 30s when this was taken?

Yes. He was born in 1963.

Late twennies wha?

what a completely natural and honest expression

hehehe.... when i'm watchin' the ball game, drinkin' some brews with m'buds, our crazy friend Jeremy is always making hilaaarious faces like this! o gosh...

Oh man, look at this wacky guy!!!

He's doing that expression that young hipsters do because they have no confidence. I forgot what it's technical term is but it wholly means you are in fear and not confident enough to simply smile for a photo.

Yes, this is a thing. Somebody please provide the term!

Nu-male smile, also known as soylent grin.


Some people just have fucking ugly smiles.

it's the same grimace most chimps have when they feel threatened and are afraid to expose themselves brothaman.

Seriously. This has been explained as the ‘“beta face” by at least 5 tryhards already. It’s 100% true, but we get it. We don’t need “I’m AAn AlPhA” guys to explain what a faggot is. Opie is a faggot. It’s not complicated.


His teeth look normal here. What happended?

The opester did some crack cocaine back in the day...

Lil' taste

His bottom lip is covering the ones that are fucked up.

Correct. Any true fan would know that it’s the bottom row of teeth that look like a cowboy graveyard, to paraphrase Dan Soder. I’m beginning to think some people around here don’t actually care very much for the Opester.

Was he still wearing his rollerblades when this was taken? I mean there's no way this workplace wild-man is taking them off for management or the lawyers. Trust me.

Where's his Nintendo Switch?

Steady fellas, this guy looks like a psycho!

Telemarketers... come out and play-ee-yaaaaay

Check out the empty man.

There it is, that's the line!

Ol' Dylan Klebold hair Hughes.

"Check out the empties, mahn" - the Opster when showing his schedule calendar

How did they manage to get both his eyes to point in the same direction?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh braaaah

Now I finally understand why Kurt Kobain shot himself

dead porn slut eyes

Check out the empty maaaaannn

*Shaaaame, Shaaame, Shaaaaammmmeee,


Seriously. This has been explained as the ‘“beta face” by at least 5 tryhards already. It’s 100% true, but we get it. We don’t need “I’m AAn AlPhA” guys to explain what a faggot is. Opie is a faggot. It’s not complicated.