The AV Club is a bitter echo chamber of humorless sarcasm and fake outrage.

19  2018-01-31 by satsamsit


whoever wrote that should be shot

am I crazy or is this less political than pointing pointing out that Tim Allen is a douche?

I got that too, that mother fucker just hates home improvement and cocaine.

Big Tim Allen fans here? More Power!

More Power!

Preferably of the white variety!

use archive links ... I ain't giving them a click

The film—titled No Safe Spaces, because rape victims need to learn to take a fucking joke, am I right, people—

Wait, isn't he technically making a rape joke here?! The end of Cosby's career and the beginning of this "Me Too" movement started from a "rape joke" by Hannibal Buress, but they refuse to acknowledge context.

This article is infuriating but Tim Allen trying to be a victim of PC culture is a joke. Guy is bland as fuck no one is offended by anything he says.

Thats why the progressives are focusing on him and no one else who wont do comedy at colleges.

Progressives aren’t focusing on him. He sucks at being funny and he’s blaming his downward trend popularity wise on Liberals. Liberals get wind of this and whine, now he can build up a fan base not based on being talented or funny but on political ideology. This guy aged out 20 years ago.

What about all the comics who dont perform at colleges for the specific reason the movie lays out? Seinfeld, Chappelle, chris rock??

Why didnt they mention any others attached to the project? Because he was the easiest target

He’s the easiest target not just because of his politics but because he’s the least funny.

His latest show was doing very well and the person at CBS who made the decision to ax it all but admitted it was because of its conservative leanings.

This is wrong. No one admitted anything regarding politics. You couldn’t even get the network right. I responded why it was cancelled in another comment.


Wasn't he fired from a successful sitcom because he leans right?

Otherwise I agree with you. Home Improvement was one of the biggest "dumb white guy" shows of all time.

No. Last Man Standing his relatively show was cancelled because 20th Century Fox and ABC had an agreement that 20th covered the costs of production for the first 6 years. If ABC were to pick up a 7th season they would have to pick up production costs. Tim decided to play Conservative victim because of this instead of either looking into it or accepting facts.

That’s right, I’m sick of this PC culture and with your help we can take it down. Tell ‘em Al! Aurgh aurgh Aurgh aurgh

As much as I dislike most of what Tim Allen does I support him on this and he will always get credit for Galaxy Quest.

One thing Tim Allen said when he was on Norm McDonald Live really stood out to me. This is me paraphrasing here:

"My teenage daughter told me she was an atheist. So I asked her if God doesn't exist then why do you need to not believe in him? She was in shock!"

Well done, Tim. You confused a teenager with bullshit logic and now you're really proud of it.

That just blew Joe Logan's mind.

He should've taken his Alpha Brain this morning

“So I ask if there is no God, why do you need to say you don't believe in him?” because Tim a bunch of assholes try to inject religion into everyday life & shove it down our throats. Is this sub seriously defending Tim Allen, dude is not funny.

So unicorns exist too? What the fuck kind of logic is that?

I've seen it before used by actual Christian apologists. It's supremely retarded.

So I ask if there is no God, why do you need to say you don't believe in him?

Hope she was smart enough to say "because other people believe in God"

A person who affirms that they don't believe in God is different from a person who doesn't hold religious beliefs/doesn't care about the question of whether God exists, but as to how either person can be construed to believe in God, I guess I'd need Tim Allen to explain that one to me

they're fucking scum. It's basically Gawker. Thank god those guys got what they had coming, while we're on it.

sad thing is that they used to be good back in the late 90s early 2000s when they just did interviews with comics.

if you've seen liberals infest a web community and ruin it, it works the same way in a workplace

you forgot "endless simpsons references"

Unavailable for comment were the legions of people being paid a good salary to be offended professionally, likely because they were too busy being outraged and definitely not because they don’t fucking exist

The irony of writing this line whilst being employed by the AV Club

It's amazing that hatred for these shit-bloggers can run so deep that it's making people side with Tim Allen over something.

Same thing happened with Deadspin and Ted Cruz. That guy is the biggest loser on the planet and he made them look terrible.


Guys, next time lets archive these pages...

Alex McLevy

We have ourselves an Irish heeb

(which is so brave)

Why do these cunts get off trying to lead people on how to think?

Oh god, that place is the worst of the worst.

Maybe they should try being smug.

No. Last Man Standing his relatively show was cancelled because 20th Century Fox and ABC had an agreement that 20th covered the costs of production for the first 6 years. If ABC were to pick up a 7th season they would have to pick up production costs. Tim decided to play Conservative victim because of this instead of either looking into it or accepting facts.