To not have the humble, good-natured self-awareness as a comic to respond "Yes.." (even if you don't believe it) when asked if anyone has ever regretted sleeping with you...

20  2018-01-31 by TonyFromLongIsland

..And to instead blow up like a stereotypical, classless she-boon on a comedy legend... It really does wonders for your likability. 2018 is the year of the woman.

Like who the fuck would get mad at a question like that and not have a little fun with it?

edit: Oh right, a morbidly obese fat woman who has been empowered by today's atmosphere of concepts like "body-shaming" being bad for a woman. Fuck I hate fat empowered pigs.


what u talkin bout, willis :)

The saddest thing is that she looks in the mirror every day and still came back with that bullshit

She will definitely get a show at some point, she just ticks all the demographic boxes. She's bitter she won't get it quick enough, despite being talentless.