Doug Stanhope vs Yamaneika Saunders on The Bonfire (01/30/2018)

124  2018-01-31 by beavvv


Shes a fundamentally angry person who barely can hold it back.

Everyone said she missunderstood, she admited it and was still indignantly cunty


She should be the mascot of this sub.

Or at least its wall ornament

We already have our requisite black chick.

anyone tries to usurp bams_seed or knickers as the official sub thots will come up against me my dude

Shes a fundamentally angry person who barely can hold it back.

she's everything colin flaherty imagined she would be

A real chocolate hell-HOLE

Guess i forgot to laugh chomp

Leave it alone!

Black women are usually misinterpreted as being funny but they're really just loud and cunty but the moment anyone pushes back they fall apart.

Its so tiring be around a person like that. You constantly have to walk on a line everything you say and then you have to explain why it wasnt as bad as they thought. Just chill the fuck out. Not everyone is out to get you.

But then how could she say she constantly has to deal with racism?

But then how could she say she constantly has to deal with racism?

Doug called Anthony a racist on AA and then left to go pull a Cumia on another podcast.

and called nick dip an even bigger racist..

but actually on nicks show he's pretty good and interesting..

He did but at least he's not such a pussy that he won't go on the show because of it.

Doug strikes me as the sort of Jim Jeffries type who is trying to overshoot his unspoken mea culpa and will just end up pissing everyone off. You're a degenerate scumbag, Doug. If you don't sneer at colored people by now you're a liar.

Jeez, that sounds completely accurate.

Never seen Doug any were near a black person or minority

Am I wrong?

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

this is the only bot i've seen get an enthusiastic pass here.

I remember him talking about seeing Boogie Nights in a dollar theater in LA and there being a guy jacking off in the theater he referred to him as "some fat negro".

He mentions hanging out with Dave Chappelle once or twice in his first book if i remember correctly. He also mentions being terrified of Patrice because he didn't want to get teased.

Did Doug make it to Dipaolo's show after this?

I love Stanhope so much. With are without the Hunter Thompsoness of his persona he's one of the realist, funniest guys in comedy.

With are without

Gong to the gym and eatin better.

I said "Thompsoness", obviously I'm not T.S Elliot

Just a T.S. fucker.

I believe that's a 2U song


The sacred and the propane

Probably doesn't need to be said around here, but if there was a white dude as unfunny and unpleasant as yamaneika, no one would know who they were and people certainly wouldn't walk on eggshells like they do here.

In the middle of peak awfulness, Jay says "She's so wonderful at this." and he didn't mean "being a fat cunt". Fucking yuck.

I remember reading something that said black women were the most underappreciated and underrepresented people in media. I don't know what world these people live in. Black women are the most unnecessarily appreciated people in America. You can be a random black woman and if you talk loud, you can get at least 50 white women to listen to you. They're the most romanticized personality. Look, white women are fucking terrible but there's a reason black men go after them and black women will eventually resort to Chinese guys who date them to throw cigarettes into their mouths in front of their friends.

robably doesn't need to be said around here, but if there was a white dude as unfunny and unpleasant as yamaneika, no one would know who they were and people certainly wouldn't walk on eggshells like they do here.

found colin flaherty's account


I'm always amazed at the ability of black people to be outrageous but play to the middle at the same time. One minute outrageous, then the next "but really it's all love, everyone hustles, god is everything y'all." She was yelling at Doug like a Chinese woman scolding who she thinks is her son cause who can tell, and then she storms out and theb comes back after the break "he's got his own thing, I got mine, it's all goo, you know."

Or that's just her primitive brain trying to salvage a bridge burned.

"AY YOU DUMB JACKET WEARING MUTHAFUCKA NOW I KNOW YOU DI'INT naw it's all good, it's all love baby."

That's their equivalent of "nice shirt stupid"

What about Andy Dick?

If there was any dude like Yamaneika (that doesn't have a famous cousin), they would be unknown and hated. This is a pussy pass thing, not a black thing.

It's both. Good comedians will talk about anything including insults.

Is this worth the listen?


I'll listen later. You better be right!

Or else?

Or else what?

I don't know.

You tell me.

I'm on the edge of my seat!

You can skip the first 8 or so minutes if you like. That's around when she comes in. She immediately has an attitude.

A black woman with an attitude?! Ok, this I gotta hear!

It gets interesting right at the 11:40 mark.

holy shit, this is phenomenal

It's hard to listen to cause I know the arguments he wants to make but he is cut off by the loud angry black woman, or himself unable to properly articulate and Jay/Dan having to jump to the next point.

Yeah definitely frustrating, he wasn't even throwing shade but he's way too drunk to stop her from dominating the conversation. Big Jay Oakerson is a gayboi for this whole situation. Also Dan Soder for texting beforehand to see if it would be ok for Doug and Yamaniga to be in the same room.

Yeah but the hilarious part was him screaming 'yes I'm going to fucking talk over you' at the end. Fucking howling.

Doug's voice is bordering on Tom Waits levels of gravely.

More like Bonnie Tyler, eesh

She should ve kissing Dougs feet. Even if he wasn't making a joke about her, like she thought he was, she should feel honored. Stanhope a legend.

And I usually defend Big Jay or don't get upset at him, but he can go fuck himself here. Saying "He diiiid make it weird in here. He did." Fuck you, Jay. Doug makes shit entertaining. Poor baby got her strong, independent, respecting feelings hurt. Blech.

All comics are thin skinned, even Doug. I love him but he's talked about obsessing over fucking youtube comments.

Regardless, this "comedienne" couldn't take a throwaway little joke, which wasn't even really a joke.

Jay is letting Vanilla Dan infect his inherent scumbag sensibilities. I really think these two goofballs believe this "hey campers" shit.

Never forget Big Jay was Derosa’s roommate. A lot of long late night conversations in that apartment about what would their black friends on the Philly chitlin circuit think.

'"WHAAAAYTE PEOPLE BE CRAY' naw but seriously black people are the funniest people in the world, IN THE WORLD! I mean... They're so much more naturally funny."*

100% fuck jay for siding with this dumb cunt. have some balls you know she was a belligerent dumb pig cunt. Luis J Gomez woulda put her in her place if this was on the show that Jay does with him

I want Luis to finally snap and beat the fuck out of one of these fat pigs, live on the air.

Exactly! And Doug did back down. They cut to break, Doug is gone and she's still blabbing while Jay consoles her, "It's okay. The bad man is gone." Ugh. Fucking cuck. Fuck this show.

Basically. Lost respect for this dude fast.

I was trying to come up with a reason for not giving this show a chance, but now I don't have to

Nah man, to be honest most of the time this show is legitimately good to listen to. This segment, however, was fucking horseshit. It's a massive reminded as to why anyone used to be an Opie and Anthony fan.

Big Jay is a fat faggot

Patrice schooled this bitch too.

wow i did not realize that was the same fat nigger (yameneika)

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Sounds like whats written on the back of the chloroform and ski-mask 2 pack.

my goodness, this stupid fat bitch

Amusing in this clip she talks about dudes just peacing out on her after one or two dates. In the Doug clip she swears that nobody's ever regretted being with her.

Doug dresses exactly like she says... the difference is that Doug could change his clothes in 10 minutes and look fairly normal. She'd still 250 pounds, 5'4," unmarried and looking for "true love," at 40 years old.

No wonder she's so bitter.

250? You are being kind.

It's in British fag units

She ain't a lady 'less she's pushin 280

It's crazy I just stumbled on this after seeing the oakerson and SODER is a straight bitch he let me down

Nia Burr, but fatter.

Big Jay is such a co-dependent fucking faggot. "SHE'S WONDAFUL!!!" Is she?

It's because Jay is a lifelong fat man who instinctively wants to use his power to either get close to or defend any woman he has any attraction to. It's his instinct to side with the type of woman he would gleefully and heinously mock if she were in a YouTube video.

Yeah, you can tell whenever he wants his ugly bitch to chime in and add something (nothing) to his comedy radio show. He's doing it because he has no backbone and he lets his need of female acceptance override who he is as a person, or what he's trying to get done in his career.

I'm just so grateful someone like Howard Stern spent years dragging his wife into the studio so he could interrupt Billy West's brilliant voices to ask his wife what she thinks about lesbianism. Soder is an embarrassment for letting it happen.

I used to love the Bonfire when it started, I'm okay with it these days, and I think my only problem is I can't figure out which of these two guys is more of a pussy. The joke used to be "Vanilla Dan" and all that but Jay is ridiculously sensitive and I'm thinking he's the Opie of the whole "underground" scene. I think everyone knows you really can't prod this guy cause he'll take it seriously. I mean there must be a reason everyone tolerates these retarded fingerless gloves.

I mean there must be a reason everyone tolerates these retarded fingerless gloves and his hair dye, it must be understood this shit is off limits or something.

They give him shit about it nonstop on LOS and he'll always sull up like a little bitch and say shit like "Whatever, I don't even care and stuff". Luis has been trying to get him to knock that shit off for years.

He sounds like he has some real ass opinions.

I'm thinking he's the Opie of the whole "underground" scene.

Goddamn, that's a PERFECT summation of him.

I feel like this clip of Stanhope panicking and putting his foot in his mouth with a black woman is payback for that bullshit he pulled when Bill Burr was roasting Michelle Obama and those women on the panel about politics. Doug panicked then and tried to play nice guy to distract from Burr's anal fucking of the chicks to be an "ally."

Take it in the ass Doug

I don't think he panicked in this. If he was panicking he would have just apologized and not fought back.

To be fair, he was too drink to panic or even handle himself well.

yeah agreed. he was too drunk to really take her apart. I wish he was slightly more sober so he could shit on her entire existence and make her cry. fuck her

You are 100% right and everyone here will agree with you in 2 months.

I don't get the downvotes? I think Stanhope is great, but the guy mumbled through a cake walk because he was too drunk to function and then he ran away when they went to break, which left only the fat gorilla and the hosts to apologize to each other.

Where the fuck did Stanhope win here? How are people siding with him?

I don't get it either. This sub has always had a blind spot for Stanhope.

Because, like Stanhope, we're all alcoholics and drug addicts. Duh.

What a fucking cunt.

The cuntiness on top of the niggerness is too much. She should be put in a cage to fight another baboon for our amusement.

I can't agree with you in this new sock account, but I like your upvote score.

I never thought Stanhope was as funny as most of you guys seem to think, but I have to say I respect that he didn't back down and start apologizing like most comedians would have.

Even Opie wouldn't have taken Stanhope that personally. How can she call herself a comedian when she didn't even understand his point?

How the fuck is she a comedian? Clearly she's been told that men regret fucking her. It's a sore spot. You don't get that "triggered" that quickly and explosively unless someone drops a nuke on your greatest insecurity. Only a virgin would claim that no one has ever regretted fucking them or that they haven't regretted fucking someone. I've never heard a "comedian" melt down so spectacularly over a simple innocent question that 99% of the time immediately leads to a quick hacky self deprecating "every single one" or a sarcastic self-aggrandizing "I can't imagine anyone not being wowed by me", etc. Every podcast and radio show has dozens of those moments every episode that pass with no one noticing because people go for the easy, obvious joke to move the conversation along and don't act like defensive, overly sensitive nerds. She's too stupid to realize he wasn't testing her femininity or sexuality or blackness. He was testing her bare basic comic chops and she completed failed the exam.

How the fuck is she a comedian?

She isn't. She gets booked because she is black, loud and fills a clubs quota of those people. Anyone going out to see her is either black or a guilty white hipster.

I think you're dead on. agreed 100%

I'm starting to think these loud sassy black women are not emotionally equipped to be proper comedians.


This bitch said that she wasn't being allowed to speak on the Race Wars Podcast, and Kurt Metzger (I think) rightfully pointed out that she had been yelling over everybody for a fucking hour. She completely lacks self-awareness.

So I’m confused about how she is a comedian exactly... as a comedian you give it right back if someone shits on you not cry about it and get offended, she’s in the wrong industry with such thin skin over many layers of lard and blubber kys you fat cunt

hilariously, her twitter bio is:

WARNING! I'm a comic and this is a comics page -if you in your feelings then this ain't the place for you! 'cause no PC BS here!

"There is no guy who regrets fucking me"

-Woman who is unaware that men have regretted fucking her.

Is she Yamaneika Jackson from Black Phillip?


I think there's only one person in the world with that retarded first name.

Patrice instantly saw her problem and refused to tip-toe around her.

I wonder if her head was moving side to side when she was getting sassy.

This obese disaster has ONLY fucked men that were blackout drunk and later were embarrassed by their behavior...Nice thighs, you fat, talentless cunt.

There is really nothing even remotely attractive about her. Amazing that she has ever been fucked under any circumstances. In this day in age with free porn, why not just jerk off if you can't do better?

Either she's a fucking virgin, or men have regretted fucking her. There is 0 in-between.

I think this is the greatest possible argument as to why women aren't funny. I've never heard a female comedian ever truly talk about how they're a weird slob, outside of Maria Bamford who is just insane and depressing.

This whole argument started about how this fat black comedian refused to admit there was a single person she fucked who was not enthusiastic about it. This is the inherent narcissism of the vast majority of women, where even if they're self-deprecating they can't admit that they're not an amazing powerful Amazon queen.

Holy crap, who would ever spend a Friday night at one of her shows?

Faggots and people with pussy-ass white guilt.

I bet Sweet William Burr LOVES her!

Yeah... I missed him before he became a black ladies bitch, but he used to be really good if the old recorded stuff is any indication.

Ohhhhh FUCK this fat cunt, and those pussies who left him out to dry and deal with her goddamn delusional bullshit. This filled my rage quota for the day. My fucking god.

yeah it filled the fuck out of my daily rage quota too. This got me so irrationally angry for something that literally nothing to do with me.

She's the female shitrod

I don't think I could hate someone more than I do with Yamanigger right now after listening to this. What an unfunny, overly sensitive,loud mouth, dumb cunt... wow that got me irrationally angry and it literally has nothing to do with me haha How the fuck is she a comic? and fuck Jay for taking her side after he left. what a faggot.

We must substitute courage for caution.

Why does she "deserve the same respect" as a comedy great? She's a fat nigger filling an affirmative action diversity role, what type of contributions has she ever actually make to deserve respect? She says "mmmm mm" white people do this bugs eyes out she isn't needed.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Maybe overall, but on a comedy podcast some no black-name isn't on the same level as someone that has earned their status as a great, don't know if you're joking but false entitlement is one of the worst qualities humanity has inherited

And honestly what was so disrespectful about what he said?

Nothing it coulda been a lot worse she's a fat idiot

Respect me mmhmmm

I think it was Stanhope who first asked about "superkids", he will always be my friend (if it was Stanhope, I am pretty sure it was).

LOL, it's like she's in a contest to be less funny than Big Jay.

Who dresses worse?

I’m hearing impaired. Can someone please tell me what happened?

Stanhope is drunk. They bring on Yamkers. Doug mentions he had this joke he was working on that would be perfect now that the MeToo movement is getting out of hand. He starts to set it up, but Yumpski is to self involved so blows up after he asks her if any man has ever regretted sleeping with her. He was going to then use that to back up the statement that everyone in the world has someone who regrets fucking them.

She honestly seems to believe that no man has ever regretted her, no comedy or sarcasm, she says it later completely honestly. Her ego apparently blocks her from admitting otherwise.

I stopped listening after Stanhope left, so you'll need someone else to give the last half.

Damn, Doug is really fucked up here. Haven’t listened to his podcast in awhile. Is he still like this on every show?


Oh, watch out guys!

She's Sassy.

She went all DMV worker on his ass

God as my witness, I thought Doug Stanhope was dead.

After listening to his half-dozen satellite radio appearances today, I predict that he will be dead very soon.

Fat nigger bitch.

Everything I hate about jay oakerson in one clip

I'm going to listen to this later.

Her name is Yo My Nikka

He was drunk. She was way too wound up. Fat Jay is a faggot /end of story

I had her pegged months ago for being an antidote to the SJW comics I featured on here, only because here's one woman that doesn't cater to (((agenda))). Was even going to share her stuff, which was OK? Well placed usage of the word 'nigga', but that's something you should automatically learn when you grow up black.

Yet here she is being a defensive cunt. That might be because of her personality, and not so much being an SJW fag.

My only critique of Doug is I wish he was sober, getting into this fight. He would've had more vitality.

I like how she said she's not leaving and doug can leave if he wants, and then she left

Typical fat black bitch

Jay' such a faggot

To be objective he did come at her. Its a weird climate to expect white men and black women to be able to joke around. I love stanhope but he is a bit too drunk for his own good here. She is still a N person, however.

I like how she started out saying how she almost fell into a coma after "he told a boring story"

She's supposed to be a comedian and she thought "oh look 2 blacks" was how Doug introduces himself to black people and not other comics.

She actually said he could have commented on how nice she smelled instead of race, and Jay was ummm hmmmin her as soon as Doug left.


This made no sense, her whole identity is being the fat sassy black gal, have you ever watched roast battles at the comedy cellar? She drops the N bomb every 2 seconds. She's full of shit.

Why does Big Jays girlfriend speak on this show?

It's funny that this "comics" girlfriend is more of a fucking dude about this than he is.

Because she has bigger balls.

They need to stop having Yaminika on these podcasts. When she is a judge on the Roast Battles, she ruins it. When she is on Race Wars, or YKWD she ruins it. She is just loud. Her whole being is "I'm a loud, sassy black woman, watch how loud and sassy I can be". Who is entertained by that? Maybe other obese, loud, sassy black women?

Fat women will never be truly happy.

There needs to be a YouTube upload of his media day so you can track him getting drunk. Then starts again with stern so you notice how fresh he sounds

You know, women are funny, man. That's a tough one.

Listening to them bash Stanhope after he left makes me hate Jay and Dan

This lady went on Tuesdays with Stories and didn't make any jokes and just made logical fallacies about racism and then started crying on air. What a hoot.

Go to 12:18 for the fight

That's our Dougie!

Dave Attel

That fat ass bitch KNOWS men regret touching her. She knows he's repulsive and unattractive. There's no other reason why one who get that mad

repulsive and unattractive

Jesus. She's a disaster. Yes, most man have regretted fucking her.

Her skin is the only thin part of her body.

Doug is wasted, but WTF she can't take a fucking fat joke? What a soft ass bitch. You take the insult and fire a better one back... No wonder no one has ever heard of this sensitive bitch.

"He made it weird."

Fuck off Jay, you fucking GameStop employee.

I would have pegged him for hot topic.

Doug is lucky he didn't get his face eaten off.

You got yo dick up, dats consent.

Terrific logic.

Not to be crude, but I think she could benefit from a brief moment of self-introspection.

See this is why black men hate black bitches. Manly mongrels.

The funniest part of this clip is when Soder calls her Yamaneika Sanders instead of Saunders because he had Colonel Sanders on his mind.

What a strong ass woman. Boo to Doug and his misogyny!

Can’t wait for his rebuttal on his podcast. Another example of a comedian (A MODERN DAY CLOWN) taking him/herself WAY too seriously.

I may be in the minority here, but I don't find Stanhope's "Ahh I'm a drunk piece of shit in a plaid suit" act funny at all. He's Joe Rogan's favorite comic. That should tell you something. I feel like he lifted a lot of his act from Dave Attell.

Wow Dan Soder is a huge bitch huh

Does Big J owe her money or something? Stanhope was about to explain a joke he had in his pocket that would apply perfectly to the MeToo movement, and her large uneducated ass is to dumb to just say I am sure at least one person woke up the next day and regretted getting flattened by a black elephant last night?

Jesus Christ. I stopped listening less then a minute after Stanhope left, just couldn't sit through it.

What Is Yamenki even famous for? Only being black enough to get a pass through the first round of roast battle?

I would love to see Stanhope put together an hour around the MeToo shit he is working on, and then put it on in Montreal during just for laughs. It's completely selfish of me, but I'd still love to see it.

More like YaImANigga

This show is terrible...

I said "Thompsoness", obviously I'm not T.S Elliot

There is really nothing even remotely attractive about her. Amazing that she has ever been fucked under any circumstances. In this day in age with free porn, why not just jerk off if you can't do better?

I think this is the greatest possible argument as to why women aren't funny. I've never heard a female comedian ever truly talk about how they're a weird slob, outside of Maria Bamford who is just insane and depressing.

This whole argument started about how this fat black comedian refused to admit there was a single person she fucked who was not enthusiastic about it. This is the inherent narcissism of the vast majority of women, where even if they're self-deprecating they can't admit that they're not an amazing powerful Amazon queen.