Why Aren't We Keeping Track of the Days Opie Has Been Unemployed?

8  2018-01-30 by OpiesInnerCircle

It could be like the Iran Hostage Crisis: Opie without a Job - Day 142


Isn't there a 'counter' website where you can set one up with a link? It could be tweeted to Opie daily.

The mods should place it at the top of the page, so, he'd get pissed off every time he visited.

Nightline was born out of the Iranian hostage crisis, perhaps this will be what takes Stinks News Networks to the top?

444 fucking days.

infinity has no numerical representation

Black unemployment is down

Black and unemployment are like cake and ice cream.



Please let one day pass where this fool doesnt get mentioned once on the sub so he can finally drift into obscuroty where he belongs.

Honestly, I don't think anyone cares enough.