Jim sees himself and by extension his addiction experiences as Rutger Hauer, to humanities Harrison Ford

4  2018-01-30 by Dr-Seepage


All those moments...will be lost in time... like cum in rain

Like Nordic semen in my asshole.

Wait, so he does not understand that Deckard is a replicant? Interesting.

He's not, since it doesn't make sense story-wise. Deckard is a human who lost his humanity until the point he was just doing his job putting down these robots.

While on the other hand a robot is showing more humanity than himself which makes him questions his very humanity in the end.

Ridley Scott has gone on record saying anyone who can’t see that Deckard is a replicant is an idiot

Ridley Scott is kind of a flake and if his intention was to show that Deckard was a replicant, then he failed as a storyteller. If I were him, I would keep my mouth shut about the matter, because the movie presents Deckard’s nature as ambiguous. If he didn’t want it to be ambiguous then that just means he’s a clumsy director, or lost control of his own story.

Plus it’s kinda obnoxious of him to be so insistent about it. It’s a juvenile attitude for him to have. The film is more interesting when it’s ambiguous. He should realize that and stop being such a dork.

I don’t really care either way whether Deckard is a replicant, it just always bugged me how Scott dealt with the issue. imagine if JRR Tolkien (for example) were as outspoken as Scott. “Hobbits are gay! That’s how I wrote them! If you couldnt tell that then you’re all idiots!” I would lose all respect for him.

The thing is, Ridley Scott never wrote the script.

Ridley Scott is an idiot who didn't write the story.

He still probably knows more about the plot of the movie than some guy on reddit

I've seen things you wouldn't believe... like Seinfeld and other comedians stand up.

I want more laughs, fucker.