Sam Roberts: Dinosaur Connoisseur

215  2018-01-30 by thatRookie


the tyson dinosaur shaped nugs are cool but the regular ones in the family bag are a way better deal! me and my cousin Jizz can easily kill a family size bag as a snack.

Your life is trash.

Cheese sticks are good too hmm.

A deeply depressing picture

"I wonder if there's a microwave in my motel room..."

This is very funny, nice job. Just a lonely man in search of the best frozen dinner for children.

This looks like a Paul Thomas Anderson film.

Cum-Drunk Dunce


Did anyone put up the clip of sam taking the beating from Travis and Troy?

This is art.

They do move in herds.

It's especially funny since he's an immense faggot.

The presence of loneliness is evident here. Also, other undercurrents that add turmoil and depth, he is shopping at at Giant or a Martins (I really know my retailers) seemingly late at night. Not even the dignity or prestige of a Wegmans. Bravo.

The juxtaposition of him in an adult suit and with a wedding ring is always hilarious

I know we hate him but there's a Patton bit about him being at a grocery store at 10am on a Tuesday and he's looking through the Lean Cuisine's to decide what he wants for dinner when suddenly Africa by Toto comes on the background radio and he seriously contemplated killing himself right there.

That's what I think Sam is pondering.

the shadow lmao

Despite his loser life, he looks like a clown in that goofy fucking suit.

This is better than any faggy banksy tier street art I've seen. This sub has so truly talented artists within it's contributing visitors. Good job, it made me laugh hard like a mugg.

If Edward Hopper took photographs.

I wish someone would put him into photos depicting historical moments/tragedies.

Did you just follow him around and he's so dumb he didn't notice?

I'll never tell.. TEEE-HEEEEE!