Jim Florentine Harassing Telemarketers is Funny as Hell

40  2018-01-30 by smelter250


Dafuq? That can't be real.. no way would the guy talk like that... he'd be fired in a second (still funny)

These are old and real. It wasn’t regulated like it is now back in the day. Phone calls typically were not recorded and the laws/guidelines to make sure this kind of shit couldn’t happen hadn’t been established.

I think the fact that he is an identity thief and not an actual employee is going to protect him from getting fired by the bank.

"Yes, No, I Don't Know" is one of the funniest phone pranks ever, IMO

Hold on, let me get my brother...

He's no PSYCHO though.

Yeah for all the hate he gets on here, he really is autistically brilliant at this stuff. Most comedians are only good at comedy and podcasting (if that) and suck at everything else... but this is his best thing. Way better than his stand up or terrible bad FAcebook posts podcast. He's also very randomly an OK actor.

He was fucking great in that last ever(?) episode of Louie on FX. Yeah he’s a surprisingly good actor.

You are correct, Doc, and a damn shame Louie waits until final episode to use this talent.

Helluva way to go out, busting his head on the toilet tank.

I thought Louis did another season after that? Either way Florentine was great in that episode.

Fairly certain that was the finale. I remember my wife and I binge watching that last year and being pissed that he ended it that way. I also recollect having to explain who Florentine was, how I heard him on some show I used to listen to.

Was that the same season where Louis went to the doctor for back pain?

Not for certain but seems about right.

autistically brilliant

This obsession with autism around here has gone too far.

Those are great. Volume 4 is probably the best one. His Meet The Creeps DVDs are good too. He’s really good at fucking with people. It’s really funny.

Yeah I came across these for the first time recently and laughed heartily. This shit was hilarious and no, I'm not 5.

Florentine is one of the few people who don't deserve the hate he gets on here, but I understand we make fun of everyone.

"You like ketchup, what are you, twelve?"

There is one of his podcasts where he tells the story of how he got into the prank calls. Detectives went to his house at few times for one where he said he had drowned his grandmother in the bath and couldn't believe an adult would be such an immature piece of shit. Beautiful.

He’s the best prank caller besides Longmont Potion Castle. The “contradiction” calls are genius.

Prank phone calls? What are you, five?

These are great. Still make me laugh like they did when I was younger

The Record is the best one, for the sheer length of time he keeps the poor fucker going for.

Duh what?


Do you speak English?!

let me talk to Daniel.

That bit is so old Anthony wouldn't have sex with it.

There’s one where the pizza guy (Don Jameison) sells Florentine’s pizza to a telemarketer and they argue about it.

I found this video too where Jim roams the streets of NYC harassing people. It's fuckin hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHz3cY3FSv8&t=6s

Harassing telemarketers? Who has time for that? What is he, 12? I mean sure, if it gets you laid I get it but this is dumb shit for kids. Who thinks this is funny besides little kids? (in effiminent voice) Oh hello telemarketer is your refrigerator running? I mean come on this isnt funny its dumb kid stuff. I mean you should just use the phone to call up chicks youre gonna bang or see what time the strip club opens so you can go pick out which stripper you want to give you a hand job.......ok maybe once in awhile, call up your buddies to go watch football and never mention fantasy football.

Are you okay?

Hello movie theatre?

Having your wife suck a flat foot’s cock in a public park is funny as hell too.

If u guys like jimmy u should check this out Telemarketer vs. Customer Rap Battle!!!

Who one?


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These are old and real. It wasn’t regulated like it is now back in the day. Phone calls typically were not recorded and the laws/guidelines to make sure this kind of shit couldn’t happen hadn’t been established.

I think the fact that he is an identity thief and not an actual employee is going to protect him from getting fired by the bank.