Feminazis gearing up for assault on pro wrestling. Hehehe

0  2018-01-30 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


This will red pill sam


They still cry about gamergate don't they

Its in the name. I hope they go after wrestling next, a whole bunch of mankids who dont care about how progressives bogart and ruin everything will certainly care if it his something THAT close to their hearts

That would be amazing. Maybe it will cause Sam to not be such a liberal cock sucker too.


If you unironically read that sub kill yourself.

It's not going to work.

It worked with sci fi and fantasy nerddom because theres a bunch of ugly chicks involved with them. I dont know what wrestling chicks are like besides the fat conservative trailer trash i saw back when i watched in 1990

What the fuck is that faggot sub

Go ask them. Lol you will have fun
