That Kid'n'Play looking nigga is burying our boy Braunheiser fam

0  2018-01-30 by yakovsdinnertrays


This nigga doesn't even have a roof.

"I got no roof on my house"

Is it getting worse? I swear more tiles are fucking gone since the last time I saw this slushmouth. Bedroom shitter probably has a slow leak.

Listen to that fuck heads juicy mouth. I hate him

people actually donate?

Nigga getting paid!!

he prob is laundering drug money thru donations.

buy gift cards with cash, have your wife (aka Prop Joe) off screen dropping donations every 5-10 minutes, bingo bangor clean money in legit account

he prob is laundering drug money thru donations.

buy gift cards with cash, have your wife (aka Prop Joe) off screen dropping donations every 5-10 minutes, bingo bango clean money in legit account

We should all donate some tiles for his ceiling.

Laced with arsenic

I'd like to gut him like a deer.

I’ll rally. Where do I aim?

Can we not post shit like this, it makes delusional fucks like this feel relevant and somewhat connected to the O&A universe.

Hahaha, excellent burn there, my super sayain chump.
Now go collect your welfare check and feed your kids, you thick-tongued negro.

Sufferin suckatssh!

Nigga dresses like the fourth member of Salt N Pepa

This nigger is a faggot and anybody that posts about him is also a faggot and probably a nigger.

Why does this guy wear the same clothes in every video? Do you think he wears it all day or just gets dressed up for his show like mr Rogers?

Wow did not know u liked o&a

People trying to be interesting.

Why is this freeman always in buildings of questionable structural integrity?

That was 1 minute and 13 seconds too much spent on this swollen tongued fuck. He talks shit about TEFFT, unprovoked, because he knows it’ll get him attention (which it usually does). He’s looking for a reaction and this is giving him one. Quit acknowledging this fucking fat tongued cunt.