WoMeN gEt BeTtEr wIv AgE

15  2018-01-29 by ImDyingOvaHere


How bout a name?

Rose McGowan - Somewhat famous actress from the 90s who's doing everything she can to stay in the limelight on the back of #MeToo

Didn't she have some horrific car accident and no guy wanted to fuck her after that, so she became a feminist?

Basically you can tell it pushed her glasses into her skull and somehow gave her a butt chin.

Are you in a cave?

I know the name, but the pics just didn’t put it in context

You don't owe me an explanation, I'm busting chops lil bit lil bit

I don't think her problems are age related.

Like Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, just another victim of the dyke cut

She was in a care accident that smashed her eye glasses into face. I think she's also had a fair amount of additional plastic surgery.

That’s just sad

I'd stell fuck 'er.

I was about to comment about the whole cancer thing not helping. Then I double checked to make sure she had cancer. She did not.

You are correct, she is haggard. I would smash her thoroughly and without shame, though.

Celebs that aged well who I would sleep with: Ashley Judd, Isabelle Huppert and Helen Mirren.

Jane Seymour, Halle berry, Jennifer Lopez

those are better choices.

Jane Seymour is almost 70 and she's still good to go

Feminism utterly wrecks women

Am I supposed to know who this is?

Feminism did this.

She looks like a Big Bird abortion.

To be fair, she did go head-first through a car windshield.

She looks like Norton in his Asteroid-playing days

I know you can't polish a turd, but she shows you can pour shit on a diamond