Jim claims his face is fucked up because he vomited so much.

12  2018-01-29 by Dennyislife

Stop taking cock in your throat sweetie


Jim vomits when he can't get cock.

Hell, it’s hard to not vomit when you’re deep throating a wig wearing Scandinavian warrior with a 9 inch pecka

I'm close to vomitting whenever i see another gif of her on this sub.

PrEP side effects

He talked about vomiting a lot on his Paris trip too. Why is Jim getting sick so often lately? AIDS.

He has the illnesses of a fucking 12 year old girl. I'm starting to really hate this new faggot Jimmy.

how long before brother joe pays jim to spit in his mouth?

It's been pounded flat by a series of men's pelvises.

If by some small chance it's not cock related, he's probably wretching bile from sleeping 4 hours a night and eating 80 calories the whole day. I hate how "healthy" Jimmy knows nothing about heath...

Sitting opposite Sam every morning is enough to make any man vomit