Reminder-Anthony would rather fuck a mentally ill man's smelly asshole then these two fine ass broads

46  2018-01-29 by WhippingHuskies


Naomi Banxxx and Kapri Styles for anyone wondering and who has a touch of the jungle fever.

Wasn't and don't.

Either way, you'll get the AIDS.

The fact that you clarified these hags disgusts me.

Not gonna lie I do like the black girls

I go fawkin deep with the black girls.

Which is worse, Kapri Styles before or after her fake tits?

After. She got sue lightnin tits from the discount bin.

Did Tard Mcfarlane do that hackjob?

Her tits look confused now.

Litterally turned into a goofy bitch

Did they accidentally turn one tit upside down?

First few girls I fucked were sistas

Good for you!!!!


Would you rather: jourdan dunn or princess alena

The only way I could be convinced to fuck alena is if her asshole had the cure for aids. We now know her asshole is the opposite of the cure for aids


I had to look up Jourdan Dunn. Good God, she's a lovely looking lady. Personally too thin for me, but you already know I'm a disgusting chubby chaser.

What is it about chubby girls that make you all giddy ?
Genuinely curious.

Low expectations

I dunno, man. It's some sort of primal thing I suppose. I find them sexier, healthier,more maternal, and much to the chagrin and disgust of Bams_Seed, I enjoy their musk, which is stronger, and consequently must trigger some pheromone related reaction in me. I went to the fitness club here this morning, and there was this super fit MILF and standard hot blonde training side by side. All the dudes were ogling them, besides me. My attention was focused on this chubby, pasty pale, brunette on the treadmill, who was all flushed and sweaty. I'm gonna masturbate to my memories of her later on.

That's absolutely disgusting. That's not musk, it's rot.

No, it's not. I'm not talking about some morbidly obese pig. My personal tastes range in women who are 15-45 lbs overweight, but who "wear" their fat well. A nice even distribution of chub on her whole body.

I'm on board with this.

Thank you for defending my honor KangolVos.

Of course!


Ant saying he prefers transsexuals over rihanna is proof the sue lightning stuff isn't a joke.

A straight man saying this is incredible. Hell, even straight women probably want to have sex with rihanna, or at least aren't repulsed by the idea.

Rihanna isn't the pinnacle of womanhood. She's degenerative trash.

Faggots acting like they wouldn't smash

These are the same guys that always downvote me when I say that women expire at 30

Where did i say she was the pinnacle of womanhood? But yes, it would be gross to have sex with rihanna because she has tattoos and is "degenerate"

The people in this subreddit are fucked beyond repair

Chimping out over Rihanna is embarrassing. Get better taste in women than that low class ghetto trash.

People on this sub have problems with tattoos too? I find it so odd that there is segment of people on here who will post the most outrageously offensive things as far as mainstream society goes but then get all preachy & sanctimonious about modern women & their sexuality, religion & family values. It’s just insane the hypocrisy at first I thought it was a bit but sadly it’s not, some people have an imagined warped sense of moral superiority that makes absolutely no sense.

The people you describe are depressed about the state of mainstream society and modern day women. All we can do is laugh and joke about it. Rihanna encompasses the worst of both of those worlds.

There were always a lot of Rihanna types that have been popular in mainstream pop culture, in the 90’s they were a dime a dozen same with 1970’s disco era. As far the mordern day woman being a lot different, I just don’t see it. I first got laid when I was 15 in working/middle class Brooklyn where sjw’s didn’t exist & 19 years later I get laid be creative types & professional women know that I live in Manhattan, I can honestly say I see almost no difference in women in my 19 years of hooking up with them. Unless you decide to date far left wing activist but with most women you’d never know the difference between a 1999 girl or a 2018 girl. If you’re look for some puritanical female who saves herself for marriage & dresses extremely modest than you’d need to back to 1800’s because that shit hasn’t existed for a long time, just read about the 1920’s & it’s makes you look sexually conservative.

just read about the 1920’s which makes our generation look sexually conservative.

Is that true?

Yes, certain cities within the United States & Europe it was like an free for all orgy. Ironically places like Berlin in Germany before the Nazis were more decadent & sexually perverted than most. It was one of the reasons that the nazi movement took off, be it a small reason but the uptight Nazis who felt left out of all the gratuitous open sex were angry not unlike the incels of today. Look it up, read some history…the idea that human nature has changed in recent times is ridiculous & usually just used as a tool by religious or political people to sway the populous.

Do you have any sources regarding all this? The idea that dorks who feel left out of casual sex are demanding we move towards more traditional family values sounds accurate. Marriage was definitely invented by beta males to ensure that each guy got laid at least sometimes. Unrestrained sexual activity results in a pareto distribution where a small amount of men get all the sex.

Tattoo on her tits means I'd rather fuck Sue

Anthony is gay.

Just cuz I don't want to fuck a baby faced boy with 9 inches doesn't mean I want to fuck these paper clipped eyebrow cunts.

The problem with black women is the laziness. Every black woman I've been with has had it. I don't know what the hell it is, but in my sample size, they lack energy

Laziness seems to be symptomatic of third world people in general. Mexicans, from my experience, being the exceptions despite the stereotype of the lazy Mexican. I think the major problem with black women is their attitude/personality. Especially as they get older, and grow insanely bitter. If they played it smart, like Asian women, who have marketed themselves brilliantly to compete in the sexual/marriage market place, they'd find their lil niche in the world, and find some measure of happiness, peace, love, and men who value them. Unfortunately, the black woman's self hatred and obsession with white bitches has consumed them, ate them alive, and spit them out without a moment of mercy.

You're spot on.

Yes working at a rub and tug and getting fucked in a basket are certainly niche

Or you know, as doctors, engineers, business owners, and the other half of the most successful marriages in the country.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you probably aren't too fond of white women.

I avoid them at all costs, if possible. As a European, I'm most attracted to my own women, and find them to be on avg, by far the most beautiful women on te planet. I've grown to despise them, however, over the years, and know them, along with any dude with a little bit of vision/ common sense, to be the lowest quality women on the planet. Our women are garbage. Always have been, they just hit the lottery and were blessed to have the most evolved creature in the history of the known universe, their men, to wipe their sorry asses for them. Forget about blacks, brownies, jews, muslims, there is no creature as disgusting spiritually, weak, impulsive, lecherous, treacherous, disloyal, destructive as our women, who were literally born with everything, and in 3 generations of being in control, have reduced our civilization to the brink of third world savagery. I have no respect for them, and that lack of respect has snowballed into fall blown disgust. For the last 5 years or so, I've stuck to Latina/Asian women, not b/c I find them to be overall more attractive, I don't, but b/c I see them as far better women, who actually have some sort of respect for their hosts.

I don't disagree, but I date shitskins primarily out of necessity. Where I live, white males with blue eyes are something of a rarity, so they are attracted to me probably due to a kind of novelty aspect. I have only fucked a couple white girls, and they mostly just do not like me for some reason. The rest have been minorities. All women basically want the same thing, but Latin and black women at least have the decency to be honest about it. The borderline psychotic entitlement and obsession with status that white women have is too unbearable and unrelatable to me.

White women have shot themselves in the foot worse than blacks, browns, muslims and jews. They have thrown their men, who have given them the most privileged lifestyle imaginable, under the bus for a few entitlements that long term only screwed them over. I have nothing but disgust, scorn, and zero apathy for them. Fuck them man. They're already beginning to see how badly they fucked up, and the more intelligent ones are starting to come crawling back, hence 4th wave feminism, or anti-feminism, which is just another racket for white women to ingratiate themselves with their men again, knowing full well that as civilization keeps collapsing, largely due to them, we're not gonna take them along for a free ride anymore. You do you, bro, and use whatever advantageous you could get to survive in the brutal dating climate in the world we live in.

Yeah, I'd rather fuck the women first

Looks like a photo taken at the DMV

I wouldn't say fine when you can fit a whole fist between titties. She takes that dress off it's going to be disgusting.

The one on the right. Good golly.

Kapri Styles, even with her botched implants, has one of the best bodies in the business, and quite possibly, along with Valerie Kay, the best ass in porn, which when considering the competition, is nothing short of amazing.

Yeah id make love to her with my you know what. And my you know what

Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where pronto

Yeah that will be in my head the rest of the day

Same here.

I like the fact that you tried to disgrace Anthony and his love of Tranny's, by using two Tranny's.

I can assure you those ladies have nice juicy pussies between those delicious thighs.

Sorry my blatant racism came out in my last message.

That's ok. I understand.

Can we mock Anthony's obvious faggotry without having to pretend nigger women are attractive?

If you don't find any black women attractive, or don't think those 2 chicks are hot, you should be listening to a certain tall Irish-American with a penchant for forgetting to laugh's podcast.

Rather jerk off than deal with the bs that comes with either choice.

Both of them are ugly. Unless you're black.
