I watched my parents house this weekend and paid $20 cash for an Uber driver to wait while I was in the liquor store

0  2018-01-29 by crookedmile

It was worth it. Chicago burbs suck Sue-cock


Get a car

I pay 3k rent with a train around the corner

Does that get you a good place in Chicago?

Get's me laid off Tinder

Then you can afford $350/mo for a car payment. BTW - if $36k/yr for rent is making you nigger poor, then move.

Grew up in the Chicago burbs. I can confirm that they suck and that drinking helps.

Skokie kid here, they moved north

You’re in Risky Business country. Why not invite a couple hookers over and throw a brothel party next time. That way the booze comes to you, and you may just end up banging a skank on a train.

How far North are we talking? Like Gurnee North? Or like Wilmette/Lake Forest.

Man, they took a farm in Antioch

Haha I went to Antioch High School. Lol

White privilege

Did you try offering $10 first? They probably would have accepted that.

Why did you have to pay him to wait?

Another Uber would have taken 20 minutes. Sure, I could have walked it, but I'm white.

Next time just tell them not to end the ride and let the meter run. Ubers can make stops.