Why does this thread hate Opie, Anthony, Jim, and Sam?

0  2018-01-29 by ChrisCastle2019

In the short amount of time I've been reading this sub, I've noticed there there seems to be legit hatred toward the 4 main contributors of the Opie and Anthony Show. I understand the Opie hate, and Anthony's political beliefs are pretty terrible IMO, but I'm really surprised by the contempt for Jim and Sam. It's not what I expected from this sub. Am I missing something? What's up with the hate?


It's a sub not a thread jerkoff

sorry, I'm new to this.

oh do you have a lot to learn

There is certainly a learning curve, hopefully one that involves your mother being raped, but I hope you figure it out!

I'll protect you and it will only cost a few commissary items a month. No ass rape.

Hi Opie.

Get fucked if just the appearance of sam doesn’t make you hate him

if you have to ask, you dont belong here

It is what it is. Just a matter of time until we completely destroy it but in the mean time this place is funnier than anything the O&A alumni combined has done the last 4 years so just have fun with it you inquisitive faggot.

come in and stay awhile.

You haven't heard about the doxing, tranny fucking, domestic violence, censorship, delusions, backstabbing, 60K scams, white knighting?

Most of those things have to do with Opie and Anthony. But I see a lot of hate posts about Jim and Sam that kind of perplex me.

if something exists, this place will hate it

Have you listened to jim and Sam? It’s a terrible show

I used to hate Sam for his shitty voice & childish diet, now I hate him for looking like a malnourished caveman when I'm trying to watch the fake wrestling show.

Anthony has turned into a giant faggot who can't take a joke and doesn't realize what makes him funny. Jimmy is in the spotlight now not just third mic anymore so it's a lot easier to notice his crutches and just how terrible his opinions are in general. The Sam hate has always been there

Jimmy sucks the most. The rest I don't really care about.

I actually still like Jim and Sam but they used to be way funnier. They were younger and in positions where they could be far meaner and more ruthless. They have become softer in their old age and less offensive with their more corporate postitions. Also, the way Norton handled his friend Louis' public humiliation was appalling and extremely hatable

If you listen to enough of it, you will come to hate them all in time for various reasons. That's part of being a fan.

Op is a hole. Ant cries about blacks too much. Jim is a hypocrite who can ruin conversations by making them too about himself. Sam is just kind of a faggot and people hate his voice and his face.