Anthony doesn't believe love exists.

3  2018-01-28 by McGowan9


I remember hearing this at the time. He had broken up with one of the children he dated a month or so before and went on a sad/hurt rant about how romantic love isn't real. I remember hearing it and thinking he was heading for something bad - suicide, mental breakdown. Less than 2 weeks later he went night tranny hunting in Times Square.

suicide, mental breakdown.

Wish it was the former.

This was before Sue's lightning rod had entered his life & his rectum.

He was milking Sue's prick long before this. He had no way of expressing his feelings is all.

Love isn't real to those that are incapable of being loved. - Jimspiration

The thing of it is is he does. He's just trying to sound like a tough guy, as usual. Remember Stetten's blog where she said he bought her an "I love you" card like 2 days after they met. He's emotionally retarded at a 13/14 year old boy stage; a soppy little dork.

His reasoning on the clip is that in a relationship, after the lovey dovey "honeymoon" period, partners can become critical of each other/have arguments etc. This, by his pubescent boy rationale, proves that love isn't real because if you love someone you shouldn't ever feel angry, resentful or critical of them.

I changed my mind, there are very few teenage boys who would be that dumb. He's just an emotionally stunted creep.

And if he bases loving relationships off his parents', he is doomed forever.

Yep. Dawn seems fine though, just the Cumia boys can't maintain a stable relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Maybe it was the showers with Pa.

On the tough guy thing, to clarify. Anthony got it wrong again - i.e. thinking a hard ass wouldn't be prone to romantic notions.

Toughest guy I know - Royal Marine - 4 tours of Afghanistan, dozens of Taleb kills, MC (UK equivalent of the silver star) recipient, stepped on an IED on his last tour heart stopped twice on the helo evac out, survived with only loss of one leg below the knee - devoted to his excellent wife and 4 kids.

They're the only thing that stops the screams.

Yeah, probably. He got a drinking problem for a few months after he got out of hospital and was a cunt to them. But straightened himself out after that. Top man. Braver than I could ever be tbh.

I agree with Ant in this more than i disagree with him.

What was her name, bro?

"I'll never know if love's a lie"

Are you saying you do believe in it, ya fage?