Stand up comics

30  2018-01-28 by Dennyislife


You wouldn’t understand because you’re just a civilian

This fucking retard doesn't understand politics or history whatsoever

Communist and fascist dictatorships killed millions of people in the 20th century, not "strong central governments". And if anarchy had been the trend in the 20th century, even more millions of people would have died due to lack of access to basic necessities. Anarchism is beyond idiotic, check out Somalia and tell me how great anarchy is, you stupid Jew bastard

oh yeah the autists here really have it nailed though

Somalia was quasi-anarchistic and outperformed all its neighbors and was relatively peaceful, until the UN and other international organizations decided that this was unacceptable. They helped set up a central government in Mogadishu. As soon as that happened, all the Somali tribes had to fight for leadership, since whoever controlled the capital and the army basically had the means to suppress all other groups in the country. Pretty much immediately the country errupted into a brutal civil war. Ever since the power structure was decentralized again, the situation has been improving.

Somalia is the worst example in the world to use to knock down anarchism.

Are you talking about when Somalia was ruled by Siad Barre, because if you are the government was highly centralized. Most industries were owned by the government and not anarchistic at all. The country was communist and there were strict rules regarding things such as religion as the government wanted to suppress radical islamic elements. Also there was at least one reported genocide.

Communism doesn’t promote a strong central government? I gotta read a book.

anarchy is niggerchy, if you ask me.

So you're saying communist and fascist dictators DID NOT have strong central governments? They just killed them on their own? You are a faggot

Annnnnd just like that, you've fallen into the retard trap. Congrats.

Thanks for the post. Now we have a bunch of fags arguing politics in the comments.

its sickening


I don't know's tough....sniff..

What is the impulse to smugly argue politics on twitter all day and act like you have all the answers? How pathetic and lonely do you need to be to argue with random people all day?

Ask Anthony. He might have some insight.

Hunter Maats is an autistic podcaster associated with Bryan Callen's old podcast. Maats' JRE episode proves him to be a just as smug and autistic as Dave Smith.

I hate how Dave thinks he's a political genius, but then again if i hung out with Big Jay and Luis J Gomez all day i'd probably think i was a political genius too.

he really is at "smartest guy in his community college political science class "level of intelligence.

Millions of people be like... But government be saying...

But seriously gubmits, deregulate yo people.

So in Dave’s world there’s nothing in between an overreaching, oppressive government and anarchy? Jesus Christ.

This is the least funny person walking the planet. At least Opie has his mental illness to make up laugh. This cunt offers nothing to anybody.

I hate that Dave's politics and mine are identical

I know this is a stand up comedy set, and you guys are here to have a good time, but can we just talk a few minutes to discuss JD Rockefeller's involvement in the creation of the federal reserve. It's fucked up, dude.

Anyway, where's everyone from?