Reminder: Jim takes drugs so that he doesn't get AIDS from risky unprotected gay sex. And he's 50 years old.

28  2018-01-28 by ForceBangPow


Is that not normal? I have a little less than 20 years until I'm 50 and I'm stockpiling prep

Dumb fuck has spent years at this point depriving himself of food he likes & feverishly exercising, all to end up with a gay prostitute.

And at no point has he ever even had a good body. If his female trainers would teach him anything more than walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes he might not have moobs at 105 lbs.

He looks like he'd snap if he did a push up and yet even at 90 lbs he still has a relatively flabby torso.

What a weird little creature he is.

It's what happens when all people do is shitty cardio and no resistance training, his trainer probably has him using 8 lb colored dumbbells. He won't fire her because he loves being bossed around by women.

But he’ll avoid Dijon mustard so he doesn’t relapse. Jim is a retarded person.

He probably shakes with fear if he's recommended Nyquil when he's sick.

He has AIDS

2 AIDS is worse than 1 AIDS.

Have you seen his face... gay lil mug has the AIDS.

But how is Jim gonna fart up the studio unless Alen pumps a load deep in his butthole every morning?

Avoids alcohol but not AIDS

At that age you might as well let a sore covered dick fuck you. How long is Jim really planning to live for?

Old queers are the worst. There's one in my building. People pretend he's not even there. He also appears to think like a teenager. A complete and utter moron. Just like Jimmy

There's nothing worse than an old lisping limp-wristed queen.

The worst part is that they have nothing to contribute to society. I overheard this loser tell someone he felt getting a dog was too big of a responsiblity. He's 50. What a fucking tool. He truly acts like he's 15, holding hands with new gays everytime I see him. What a pointless life. Hopefully the end is nigh.