Bonnie is not aging as well as her husband

13  2018-01-28 by greygooser


She looks like if Roseanne was a holocaust survivor.

Roseanne has become a rabid Zionist lately, and probably considers herself a survivor just by being Jewish.

still would

is absolutely fuckable by sub standards. (constant tranny posts)

No shit. At least theres a legit slit there.

Proof it's her? She looks annoying so I think it's her but I could be bamboozled.

It's from her instagram

More like instagrandma


Somethings not right. I smell some sort of bamboozle.

I'd still knock the dust off of that farm pussay.

She looks like shes in a mugshot

Thats the face she gives after Rich does something stupid but happened so much its frozen there

bad picture, and she still doesn't look bad

She looks more and more like her sister each day.

I don’t think that’s Bonnie....

Smile, ya dumb cunt,we all can't be funny.

Women age like cheese

That's because vos isn't aging he's aged

I'm happy every cute girl that rejected me will age out of her looks.

As long as I don't get fat or go broke, I'll get sexier and sexier

My God is a vengeful God

you'd age like shit too if you were married to vos