I'd like to understand how anyone can hate Nia and Bill more than the_donald faggots

0  2018-01-28 by packitchofsositch

At least Nia doesn't claim to be edgy


Nia is black.

Hope this helps.

nia always acts like she's taking some rebellious stance by agreeing with the most mainstream well accepted points of view

You just described the_donald.


Donald is the biggest Zionist on the planet

No shit.

Which is why Bill puts here on the air, so he can smash her. You dipshitted fucking dipshit.

At least Nia doesn't claim to be edgy you can't even follow your own train of thought you fucking retard

Can't we agree they both suck dick and continue to call Opie a fat titted humorless bore?

Finally. A voice of reason.


Honestly both after mentioned groups are too close for comfort two things I enjoy. God damn fucking niggers on both sides.

I like guys, alright!?

They don't worry about them more than we do, so there's that.

The Anthony Cumia dont-worry-about-it Network

circumplexed by The Joe Cumia let's-hope-he-worries-about-it-a-lot network

Is there anything more rewarding than seeing the_donald cum themselves over Nikki Haley? It's just like an instant certification to make you feel smarter than them.

Hive mind is strong

Top kek

Yeah you got a president elected. Whoopty shit. Presidents affect so much in terms of everyday life.

This whole post is embarrassing