Anyone follow Bill Burr on Facebook? Nia hate posts.

105  2018-01-27 by Sinix387

More and more of his fans are complaining about Nia on his podcast posts.

Years ago I used to listen to it every week. Honestly, Nia drove me off as well. I found it very difficult to identify with him once he had this really ugly person, inside and out, dominate him regularly on the show.

But anyway, it looks like more of his normie fans are getting tired of Nia. That page used to be all praises. I wonder how much of it gets back to Bill.


She was tolerable enough on the podcast when they were just dating. She was just nervous enough to somewhat suppress her ego. But once he made the mistake of marrying her and giving her a kid, she’s become insufferable. Unbelievably undeserved arrogance. I can’t listen to a second of it. I think he married her for the material and puts her on the podcast on purpose, his way of winking at his audience to say see, I told you what absolute hell marriage would be.

Lop you are saying he married her for the goof?

He was gonna turn 50. If you’re a 50 year old single comic, what the fuck are you gonna joke about? You can only do observational sociopolitical shit and be a Carlin wannabe? You can’t be 55, bald and never married, screaming about futons, ramen noodles and bad Tinder dates.

You could do a podcast about black crime statistics

I guess he forgot to launch

He doesn't give a fuck, dude

Bennington is the man


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Your 50s are when you start doing character comedy

His comedian will be great again when he divorces this blackhole of comedy and happiness.

Losing half your shit is worth the piece of mind, when you're worth 10 to 15m.

Don't forget alimony for "his" baby

no, hes just a guilt-ridden lefty who is not very smart and got scammed. Hope Nia takes all his shit

She's incredibly racist and sexist. I personally don't stand for that kind of behaviour.

MLK would be disgusted and disheartened by her. Sad!

VERY disrespectful.

This is the right sub for you :)

Sir, hating women and niggers is the common order of things. Hating whites and men is where I draw the line.

Why does bill burr think people are interested in his wife? He's hurting his career by shoving that unlikable woman in people's faces.

He'd rather hurt his career than have the conversation with her saying she can't be on the podcast anymore.

She'd divorce him and then live off child support. He's fucked.

Don't forget alimony, that's where the real money comes from. Jay Mohr gave his first wife everything he had which was 2 million dollars, unreal.

Isn't he getting divorced again?

Yeah the whole “I’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle” excuse is fucking insane.

Seriously. Become accustomed to a new lifestyle now. Your economic status shouldn't be guaranteed by anyone.

Exactly. That’s like getting fired then suing your former employer for your salary for life, because you’ve “become accustomed” to a certain lifestyle they provided for you.

If only he had known before!

He brings her up on every single podcast he's on, and thinks she's "hilarious." (He was on Barry Katz's pod last week)

She apparently plays herself on Crashing this season, Im dying to know how much of that was Bill's idea or how much of it was her saying "you better get me on that got damn show, boy." If she lives another 40 years, this will be her biggest screen credit, and it was because her more famous, successful and talented husband got her on.

When does this air??


Just watched the preview on HBO. dis gun be good

Right. It gun be good. Loser.

“Get me on Breaking Bad, Bill!”

I remember listening to a clip a few months ago about how he enjoyed seeing the hate people would have for having Nia on. Perhaps that was back when it was just a few people complaining and now it's become an opinion of most of his fans. I don't listen or know much about his podcast but it seems like a lot of entertainers in this weird universe from radio and podcasts and comics getting newfound popularity with them after putting in your dues for 30 years on the road, they always seem to make a very sharp left turn at whatever they were doing right and begin becoming very self obsorbed. It's like Opie in the Afternoons, Sam's WWF podcast, Anthony's alt right show, etc. They seem to become very self conscious and resentful of their fans because before they could make great productions while still laughing at how petty their fans are online but when they actually start dropping in overall quality and after years of dismissing their fans opinions that they can't recover and begin to punish their whole fan base by trying to cut it down to just dedicated members of the cult.

oh yeah

"My wife is hilarious"

He's hurting your butt. That's about the only thing he's hurting.

Watching hardcore Burr fans defend her for the last few years has been embarrassing. I gave her the benifit of the doubt at first but shortly after that it became pretty clear who she was. I haven't listened to his show in years though so who cares I suppose.

Yeah. I also tapped out like three years ago when that dumb arrogant beast was on every other episode of MMP.

Bills schtick sucked 3 episodes in. Don't blame it on Nia

She’s so extremely hateable and the sole reason people lost their respect for Burr. Also, her toothy grill makes me want to feed her sugarcubes.

Remember to keep your hand flat when you do that. I don't want to see anybody lose fingers.

I was a fan of burr before he abandoned his dog, kleo,

Nia forced him to get the dog in the first place, then got jealous 'cus it had a better temperament than her, so she made him get rid of her.

Better hygiene and diction too.

Also, better blow jobs

Is that true?

Yes. She bought a rescue pitbull without telling him, as she was getting lonely sitting around his house not working. Then, when she fell pregnant, she made him get rid of it, in case her child savaged it.

I've been a contemporary to his fatherhood and can relate. Nia was always a cunt but now she's worse that she has spawn. Bill is in hell but he's also a self hating white so he can live with the mess he created.

normie fans?

take that incel shit somewhere else.

Is that a incel thing? I didn’t understand that “normie” part when I read op. I know nothing of that world & just recently learned what an incel was after reading some of their disturbing subreddits. In what context is normie used, someone in a relationship or sexually active?

Mormons are people who haven’t been red pilled(revealed the harsh truth) about some sort of subject. In this case it’s about Bill Burr and the effect Nia has had on him.

It’s not politically correct to say Bills black feminist wife has ruined for having the stereotypically worst qualities of being feminist and black but we know it’s 100% true.

Oh Jesus, it’s worse than I thought. I’ve read some of those incel subs & they didn’t come across as guys who have been exposed to the harsh realities of this world, it seems the only harsh truth that’s revealed itself to them so far in life is the inability to get pussy. I wonder if all these fringe groups have always existed & nobody knew about them until the internet or did the internet create these groups. I have a feeling it’s the ladder, the lack of real world experience & thousands of hours sitting behind a keyboard allowed these guys to create an alternate universe.

normie = anyone who has a job, a routine, owns property, family, etc.

we can't all be watching anime, and throwing out old 2016 pepe references in 2018.

I find it unbelievable that these fringe groups are so confident in their ideology & so strong in their belief system about how the world works. I don’t think any of them have experienced much of life’s realities outside of sitting in front of a keyboard & a screen. From what gathered by reading some of those incel subreddits, those are guys who haven’t even figured out how to get laid yet in life & should be last guys in the world to have a staunch doctrine about modern society because they haven’t even dipped their toe into it. The same goes for the alt-right & radical left internet warriors who see the world as easily defined in black & white. I’m always wondering if these people always existed & modern technology has just made them more visible to the rest of us or if modern technology like the internet has actually created them. Sadly I’d say the ladder is true.

well said. I blame the internet. The worst part is that they all have 0 real-world experience, but they’re so stubborn about their beliefs, SJWs and alt right.

Exactly, without real world experience nobody should be so confident about their worldview. I’m 34 years old so I’m probably older than a lot these assholes but I have a lot of friends who are younger & a lot of them suffer from anxiety which I think is a result of being sheltered their whole life & then moving to NYC after college. I grew up in Brooklyn & I can only imagine how these sanctimonious keyboard warriors who preach their stupid philosophies online would react to some of the things I grew up around. Like I said last post, the world is not black & white, I know poor Jews who don’t have any power & are conservative politically & know black people I trust like a brother. Also their is no such thing as incel in the Brooklyn, even if you’re a socially awkward weirdo you figer out how to get laid.

He’s cucked. I had to stop listening once the baby came- it got even worse.

That was fucking awful. It's like a den of Nia white knights.

The modern male. Gone from defending maidens from barbarians to defending gorillas from mean words.

Sports dude! Star wars. Respect towards females. Never admitting how annoying they are. I really think my gf is hilarious I really really really do. I'm not just pretending it to.myself cos I'm afraid ill never get laid again because I have no self-esteem. Cat memes. Gifs. More gifs and smileys. Hahahaha that's hilarious. Dude my wife is hilarious. looks down

That was fucking awful. It's like a den of Nia white knights.

That's like a den of Nia white knights. Disgusting.

The only way I can explain that is that they probably have extremely strict moderation there and they’ve banned anti Nia opinions for years.

Just based on what I’m seeing and knowing the internet I think I’m right.

All you need to do is post something anti Nia and see if it gets removed

100% I have seen entire threads deleted on /r/BillBurr that were bashing Nia. Wouldn't want fans to express their opinions on the show or anything.

The only way I can explain that is that they probably have extremely strict moderation there and they’ve banned anti Nia opinions for years.

Just based on what I’m seeing and knowing the internet I think I’m right.

is it astroturf? seriously

I honestly cannot believe he is able to live with her she comes off as very combative and I bet everything they do is an argument.

Is the sex that great? Or Bill is just pussy whipped?

She really comes off as an annoying sjw that thinks she is above other blacks because she married white.

Guaranteed Bill will divorce her within a couple years. Dying alone is better than being trapped with a disgusting, soulless ape.

Idk the guy was dumb enough to marry her after years of ranting about how stupid getting married is. I think he’ll just suffer the rest of his life, the Irish are good at self-flagellation.

I'll bet the sex is amazing.

(I'm assuming Bill is into pegging, right?)

Sports, sports, sports, Nia, sports, sports, Nia, sports...

Fuck ol' Billy Red Balls. He's slowly murdering his career.

To be completely honest I have turned off the last few episodes as soon as Nia comes on. It's insufferable at this point. It used to be cute when they would have a good debate every so often, now I'm just hearing bullshit updates from someone I honestly could care less about. I listen for Burr and his stories and advice. But if that's the direction he's going with it now that's fine I will just listen less.

Lame people are being dicks though.

why do you need to state that you're being completely honest?

who are the "lame people" and how are they "being dicks"?

Are you autistic?

am i realposting my opinions about the bill burr podcast?


So yes, you are.

To be completely honest I have turned off the last few episodes as soon as Nia comes on. It's insufferable at this point. It used to be cute when they would have a good debate every so often, now I'm just hearing bullshit updates from someone I honestly could care less about. I listen for Burr and his stories and advice. But if that's the direction he's going with it now that's fine I will just listen less.

Lame people are being dicks though.

What possible advice could you be trying to get? He doesn't even follow his own advice

I gave up on the podcast because of this phrase “Hey Nia, come say hello!”


Every time I hear stomping and huffing coming down the hallway I know the podcast is over.

Why do comics insist on bringing their wives on to their podcasts?

Bill Burr, Jay Mohr, Burt Krysler all think their wives are great on air because they blow loads in them but the audience has to suffer and hear what activities their wives have to drive their kids to for the day

The only decent one I have heard is Segura's wife on their podcast but shes a comic

Yeah I thought about that. Vos and Bonnie also, but they are advertised to be on the show so I didn't include them

It's because they themselves get so desensitized to their boring wives.

Bert might actually be the worst. I tried listening to an episode of his podcast because he had a good guest on. I tried skipping ahead a few minutes to get past the intro. Then a few more. Then a few more. Then a few more. Turns out he did a half hour intro with his wife and her awful accent just rambling about mundane bullshit. I imagine this actually hurts his ad revenue since it makes people even more likely to skip ahead.

Bill's favorite activity with nia is getting head from her. Not cause she's good at it, in fact she's as toothy as can be, but it at least shuts her the fuck up.

Bill Burr really does a podcast with his wife?

I haven't listened to it for a while but I'm sure she hasn't got more opinionated and annoying due to her being financially tied up to him forever

i used to listen every week as well, i didnt stop cause of nia, idk why i stopped really but it had nothing to do with his wife

She was on it regularly in 2011 and before.

I don't think Bill gives a shit.

Are you trying to say I'm wrong about what led to me dislike a podcast I was listening to twice a week for years?

She became a bigger personality & that bigger personality has eroded Bill's older personality over time.

I have no idea about her, I don't follow what she does. He's not going to can her because the vocal minority can't handle her.

If you don't like the episode, there's one next week, don't worry about it.

WTF are you babbling about?

I haven't listened to an episode in years and don't plan to.

This is purely about just clowning on Bill for ruining his life in such a disgusting way.

Every time I hear stomping and huffing coming down the hallway I know the podcast is over.