"Keith the cop abused me.He pulled the chair out from underneath me,and I fell backwards onto the ground.I'm lucky my back isn't broke.That's a Physical ASSAULT." #MeToo (1hr:35min:34sec for mobile)

19  2018-01-27 by oandapartyrock


Well fuck, she's gotta be like 70. Keith is an asshole.

If there ever was a time for a KTC comeuppance this would be it.Twato has been scorned.

she's an elderly woman, Keith is a piece of shit dirty cop. Sandy is an open target for ridicule but to physically hurt her is beyond fucked up and for these cunts and Anthony to defend Keith is equally fucked up. I hope they get raped by a pack of Cumia's.

Keith is the kind of guy who looks for victims to abuse

He knew Sandy was a punching bag, and tried to impress Anthony by abusing an old crazy homeless woman

Is there anyone that doesn't think this is 10 times worse than stomping on a stupid cake?

Both were equally hilarious in my opinion.

I can get behind fucking with someone like when they broke Bobo's heart or made choo-choo references to Lady Di. But the pulling the chair thing and stomping the cake is just so brainlessly easy high school level retard shit.

An old Times Square hustler being assaulted by a dirty cop. A classic.

Anyone that brings up the word "assualt" after any sort of physical altercation is a fuckin pussy

That's just putting assault in the wound. Tsst.

She's an old lady you Douche.Not a 25 year old soccer hooligan

Hotel California is overrated as hell


F'n entry-level tier. You're like a nigger who just found the white radio channel and thinks that's rock.

f a m i l y v a l u e s

Sandy's always entertaining. She should file charges against keith.

I think she sued Opie for breaking her guitar so I can't imagine she's not working behind the scenes to go after them. Since it's easily proven on video she might even be able to find a shyster who'll do it pro bono just for the free attention.

She never showed in court, a few times iirc.

pro bono

why not pro 'The Edge' or sumtin? tss. Fawkin tribute band... it's half acting or sumtin.

Sandy's definitely not pro boner

Try another one. Go on buddy, you’ll get it.

yeh yeh. you're just mean.

The first thing even a TV lawyer will say is "why'd you wait so long to bring a suit?"

Then they'll just show hours of footage of Sandy post-incident,

yukking it up and behaving normally with zero sign of injury.

First thing the lawyer will say is "What's Compound Media?"

Yeah, it was a shitty thing to do but old whores are like boxers where they have strong bones from being thrown down the steps. She wasn't really hurt. If she had faked it and limped off camera, then she'd have something maybe..

Still, Keith pulled a fucking elderly woman's chair away. You do that to other dudes. When you're in fucking high school. You don't do it to old women, no matter how loud and obnoxious and stupid they are. Fucking weird faggot Keith.

old whores are like boxers where they have strong bones from being thrown down the steps

Absolutely. I bet strip club owners have smacked her around a lot harder

than when her wrinkled turd cutter hit the Compound Media studio floor.

Too bad she wasn't severely injured, she could take all of crater face's money.

I would be all on board with the Keith hate, but I hate Sandy and want her to get beat with a pimp stick

Here's exhibit A in her future lawsuit.

yeh yeh. you're just mean.