Ant's hair looks... Different.

32  2018-01-27 by wifflebb


He went to lashonda's to get it relaxed

”Give me the Dan Soder. He’s hip with the kids!”

He got a 1920's Flapper girl cut

Looking for a Trapper girl

"give me the creepy Betty Boop"

Club Soda Kenny's wooden hair doesn't look as bad anymore

What are you 5

Imagine all the money he's wasted on fake hair, trying to sand down his face craters, fake teeth, hgh and steroids etc to still look like a hideous ghoul.

he’s using that liam neelson kikkoman dye

"I've got a special set hair dyes"

"Good Luck"

that really is the best screenshot you could make?

do you have no standards for yourself?

For all we know it could be the stream quality. What I'm saying here is Keith stinks.

The blurriness does distinctly showcase the divide between his fake purple hair and how shockingly bald Anthony is.

It was from his Twitter. You think I subscribe to that shit?

Classic case of going prematurely maroon.

It almost reminds me of Lego person hair.

Woody from Toy Story

Ok, Jimmy

Fried,Dyed,Laid to the side

whys his teeth always looking grey in photos

Probably installed a low flow shower head.

He must have went to Enzo.

Short sleeve shirts over short sleeve shirts all day all night

he looks like butthead

It's called "conk" style, and I'll have you know it was all the rage when Ant was growing up as a young black man in Harlem.

Betty Boop is big in the transgender community.

Nigga looks like he has Woody's cut from Toy Story.

You are what you eat, I suppose. (Woody, get it? Like peckahs.)

That's called "Old Lady Red #2"

Legoheaded asshole

His shower head got replaced and now the water pressure is a little weak

That's what you see under a black auntys weave