Brown is gross

3  2018-01-27 by unclepaul84


I'd fuck that stupid acorn hat right off her head


I would have liked her if she wasn't American. You can't be an American and Royal.

Her father is directly descended from King John. among others and they are cousins

King John? I reckon most people could go that far back and claim to be related.

Not really her fathers side has the documented pedigree.Back then if you were of high standing (Norman) you would have to pay hefty tax/fine to marry somebody of lower stock

Isn't him who has been related to nearly every American President?

Basically everyone is related you just need to find the path they even consider 20th cousin related. most presidents do have English ancestry think maybe ten or so don't. i'm kind of familar with his line don't of any direct ancestry to presidents if there was they would make some big deal about it.

Wrong. Go back that many generations and you basically connect almost every human in Europe and the Americas to one another.

Yeah, Everyone is related but not direct descendants of certain figures and having pedigree to prove it.That is what I'm talking about

Royals? Who? Those bums on the dole you call kings and queens? The biggest welfare recipients in the world. Tell every member of that shitty family to get a fucking job. At least Princess Megan earned her money unlike the inbred beggar family she’s marrying into.

I would use both hands to pry her jaws open dangle my dick above her open mouth and drone strike her tonsils with gunk

She's a pretty lady, but her hat stinks.

I’d throat fuck

We get it, you're a fag

The best kind of black.

"there will never be a black king of England" Louis ck

She is just warming up, once they get married the purple outfit collection comes out

I'd quite like to stain her teeth yellow before I knocked them out with a mallet.


People are confused I think.

Is she mediocre? Yes. Is she fuckable? Yes. Is she especially fuckable considering she's a niglet? Yes. Is she anywhere above a 7 if she were white? No.

So what we have here is the globalist conspiracy to get negroid blood into the royal family to further subvert and corrupt the minds of the youth. This foulness would not be permitted by a sane society.

Thank you for your service.

Mullato mongeral


Wow this is great cause she a Canadian Woman joining the British Inbreds. 3 Targets with 1 round! For half points the hat isn't he only thing not completely white.

Opie shit on her hat.

Not really her fathers side has the documented pedigree.Back then if you were of high standing (Norman) you would have to pay hefty tax/fine to marry somebody of lower stock