The r /AdamCarolla sub is slowly becoming as awful as this place... I hope

1  2018-01-27 by Martillo_Valentine

... that we can all go there after Anthony shuts this place down.... There's also a r/ carolla page that still quite enjoys the podcast. I hope no one goes over there and is mean to them.... and yes I'm drunk off of one too many 2-11's.


It’s way worse. A bunch of liberal faggots who hate Adam for all the wrong reasons.

Love line Carolla was great. Ive never listened to a full episode of his podcast

Don’t. He repeats himself a lot, totally wings it in a bad way, horrible guests. Used to love him. I can’t stand him now.

On love line he had a sense of awareness that he was lucky to be making money spewing his thoughts. Now he thinks what he says is gospel

this. Man show wasn't funny.

Ehh for the time it was pretty funny. The funniest part I remember was when they would send the young kid to ask questions at the red carpet

Loveline Adam Carolla was one of the funniest people on earth. Pontificating and political Adam Carolla is unbearable. He's exactly like Anthony (hammer swinger, got into radio and was hilarious, then started a podcast network and obsessed about politics) only much more successful. And with no pile of shit useless brother.

Well he's got Ray.

Not anymore

What happened to ray?

He fired him from their podcast because he wouldn’t take improv classes

God he fucks sucks now. Too much time and money to sit around and bitch about politics.