Where we at with Primitive Technology?

5  2018-01-27 by TinKnockinMoroccan


More like Chocolate Technology.

all that effort for less protein than he would have got from suckin the camera mans cock.

It's about passively catching food over a long period of time. And I don't think he has a camera man.

oh, literal Jim.

well im gonna pretend he does have a camera man, with blue balls and a pulsating hardon.

Wish i had YouTube as a kid. We just chopped trees and made forts

ME: Kids these days are pussies. We used to build forts out of old boards and rusty nails.

Ant and Jimmy’s childhood stories were pathetic but at least they actually happened.

Made forts? What were you five?

His videos are great. I'm such a pussy I just cook steaks at home and ponder how fun it would be to do it in the wilderness.

until you spend 20 minutes in the wilderness are realize it fucking blows.

The wilderness STINKS

Can't cook dino tendies out there though. sam couldn't hack it even though he 100% looks the part already