Is this the beginning of the return of Louis CK?

30  2018-01-27 by CounterproductiveQin


And if it is, do you think Jim regrets the decision he made by distancing himself from Louis CK?

Most definitely but he wouldn't dare mother fuck him. It's a tough one man...

Fuckin Louis CK is a problem, man. DUDE. OOF.

Louie is such a cuck that he’ll probably thank Jim for calling him out. It’s 2018 and everyone is gay.

I hope Louis never talks to him again

Give him the Cumia treatment. That's another thing, fuck louie, he could have done ant's show or phoned in when he was starting his podcast, louie never even tried

Why would he care about that shit? Doing ants sad podcast while he’s in the middle of being basically an a lister? Get real.

In Louie's defense, Tranpa actually said that Louie texted him not too long after he got canned and said he hated to see him get fired.

Yea they text regularly apparently... I doubt louis hates anthony as much as even we do.

Louis distanced himself a long time ago. Jim had nothing to gain from his friendship anymore.

Take cream in your coffee?

Bill Cosby once again paves the way. He is the hero these lesser offenders need right now.

He just did a set. Broke barriers early in his career, breaks new ones at the end. Cosby really is a visionary, minus the vision.

how did the set go?

Well by all accounts, then again it was an all black crowd.

I wonder when Jim's episode will air.

I hope they show us what coffee Jim would get. I wanna see if he'll get black coffee then taste it and instantly repulsed or if he'll order some faggy pumpkin spice dunkaccino 3 milks 20 sugars extra soy extra whip

He can't; his diet.

Nice cameo by Karl Ruprecht Kroenen

This is a tough one, on one hand he did jerk off in the faces of unsuspecting women, which is hilarious. On the other hand he did say we should vote for Hillary because she’s a mother. I just don’t know. I don’t know if I’m ready to forgive him yet. It’s tough, man. Really tough.

'Batch'. Funny.

Maybe Jerry wanted it? I don't know. He did stick up for Kramer.

He even stuck up for Cosby, he likes to separate the comedy from the man

Yeah but Kramer and Cosby didn't do anything wrong.

Kikes in Cars Doing Human Things.

You‘ll definitely change your mind about jews when you watch them entertain each other in rare and expensive cars.

of course it is. Nobody actually gives a shit about all of this virtuous moral pandering. They just love the drama. When that goes away, they'll come back

Even though it really isn't like starting over, how much would it sicken Jim Norton to be lapped by Louis CK post exile? Who am I kidding, he's a guy who tried to get a Jonas brother autograph, he's shameless.

"Louis CK's episode was not included in the batch"...

Is everything about cum with this guy....


it’s really nice of jerry to make a show that allows us simple minded civilians to get a glimpse into the brilliant lives of comedians. we get to witness tidbits of their prolific conversations where they observe the world in ways that are too complex for us to even imagine. great show, totally not a self-indulgent way to get paid for absolutely fucking nothing for a guy who’s already a billionaire.

Also, he "loves cars" on the same level as a woman. Likes how they look. Leno's a douche too but at least he can get under the hood and turn a wrench. When Seinfeld's old cars break down, he cries like a bitch and throws a handful of money at some goy to come get it and fix it for him.

He calls his old buddy Colin to push it

Jerry is an aboslute mensch

Louis CKs maxican ass in a low rider. Going back to his roots, Essay.

He's got cum on his hands.

I hope not

Look at these merchants, rubbing their hands and laughing at the goyim.

This show fucking sucks

Seinfeld got away with fucking a sixteen year old when he was in his 40s, simply because he is a kike and a TV star.

I hope they show us what coffee Jim would get. I wanna see if he'll get black coffee then taste it and instantly repulsed or if he'll order some faggy pumpkin spice dunkaccino 3 milks 20 sugars extra soy extra whip

He can't; his diet.

Yeah but Kramer and Cosby didn't do anything wrong.