You don't wanna mess with this guy

58  2018-01-27 by CounterproductiveQin


White Men Can't Speak

Hey, Louie beans i want my money


Black crime schtatishtics, I document em.

Oh God. Could you imagine the teeth of Colin Vos?

Dry teeth?

Firsht of all, it would be da shortesht boxshing match is histrey, okaay?

Lol. From the thumbnail i thought this was the Pride March

Why did you crop out the b-cup badass throwing the bird at the camera and the wider society too ill bet

Brother Vos.

How tall is this motherfucker? He looks like a problem.

Vos Carlesi

Mishter shteal yo gurl

The schwoogies find a way to ruin everything.

I thought Rich Vos was in the same boat as Colin Quinn and Patrice O'Neal in terms of never getting goofed on, what changed?

This was taken right before his big interview on ABC:

Looks like a low-card WCW wrestler from the 90s.

Sucks Bagwell?

Fluff Fagswell

Ice Teeth?

A fuckin spaghettis string?

Vos has the physical form of like a Florida redneck, but he's got the voice and soul of an old Jew.

“I’ll suck your coke for coke” ACV

He's dressed like he's going to WCW Road Wild

Not so Buff Bagwell

Hey, it's Vos.

What small hands you have sir

That's one dangerous jew!

He might suck your cock for crack at Laugh in Boston tonight!

That's a killer look before you're playing a saxophone in front of a flaming trashcan for the Lost Boys

that ill fitting wife beater is tucked into belly button high wide legged pleated jeans.


Fluff Fagswell