This is exactly what I would imagine a faggy band from Canada who made a song for J&S to look like

34  2018-01-26 by peopleforgetthat


Thats where stinks went to

What is that thing in the middle

It's like Mike Patton got caught in a trash compactor filled with AIDS syringes.

Some fruit in a Kung Lao hat.

Hope he trips and lands his neck on the brim then

Nah, that could really hurt him.

Ant's new girl

aww, he's just a lil guy!

Just a lil gay

2 twinks and a bear

I'd fuck them

Two queers and a tranny


Why are you listing things in Jims apartment?

I can't tell if this is photoshopped

I want to piss on their shit kicker boots

Most of the people here upvoted the guy from the band when he posted here

You guys like stuff like this. Please stop pretending you aren't fags too

The majority of you are millenials who still live at home, grew up listening to pop punk and had an "emo" hairstyle at one point in your life

Not me, I was voted best haircut in middle school

What did you do, like shave it into a little triangle just above the shaft?

Oh my god are you doing an act? , fuck off already we heard you.

lol "fuck off we hate you"

Weak, effeminate faggot identifies himself by the group instead of as an individual male

Read up on estrogen and group bonding emotions for a breakdown of your personality

ugh, youre the worst.

Lol "ugh, you're the worst"

See a doctor about testosterone therapy

Lol you had to get artificially pumped with testosterone to feel like a man.

I have never been on testosterone therapy, I just recognise that you need it

Your profile says you're active in r/australia. Are you an expat?

Why do you ask

Because there cannot be that many American Australians that listen to o&a?

There are many Opie and Anthony fans in Australia and Europe. Norton has talked about his visits and his reception by fans in these countries on the show multiple times

Which nationally are you?

None of your business, nosey cunt

All good man. You keep fighting white genocide, just dont be surprised when you're next.

What the fuck are you talking about

Even if I was "fighting white genocide", the statement "you're next" would only apply to someone who was advocating!white genocide

I mean what were you trying to say there? "You're the next person to have someone defend their own race to you"?

Worthlessly stupid fucking faggot

Your family want to help you

We heard you faggot go swallow a shotgun barrel while drowning in a puddle of aids stupid...

Now be honest how mad did this comment make you?

Holy shit I was worried you'd killvl

Hey mate I don't mean what I say, a good friend of mine is autistic.

You're the one who's too unhealthy and too stupid to fuck

What a condescending douche! Yeah I wish I was as tough and smart as you.


the sam posting army picks its spots, arent consistently on here. step your profiling game up plz.

"It was my first concert of 2018." - Travis Cunt


That young girl in the middle needs a friend to tell her about her mustache.

I can confirm, this is what most people from Canada look like.

Heyyyy everybodyyyy! We're a band of queers!

Hello dere! I'm Dumbhat McSnakeshoes and yor radio program stole MY song to use in THEIR intro!

"No they didn't, sir"


This is exactly why skinny jeans catching on was a mistake. I'll weather the storm until baggy pant become cool again. Shit is gay as fuck.

Thats because you have a terrible body

Stick legs =/= good body.

Go to the gym, bitch!

Lol fuck off fatty

"I don't fit in to clothes because or Hillary"

I feel very good about myself after seeing this.

Anthony is moving to Canada, oh no,he's a felon.

“Justin Trudeau is like totally hot”

well he is

I hate this band

I really hope all their hard work and belief in themselves doesn't pay off, and the disappointment is so bad that it actually damages them psychologically and changes their personality structures permanently, so they're never able to take the emotional risk of believing in themselves again, because the disappointment and depression was too painful last time. Hopefully at least one actually kills himself, preferably the really nice, friendly guy who is such a fag that he's not even in a band to get laid, because he's been in a relationship for 8 years. He needs to die the absolute most

Fucking faggots like this are the reason white girls are starting to prefer black men and rappers get more groupies now. They're promoting an image of all Caucasian males as low testosterone emo pop faggots

You have severe mental issues

This is all sounding really mean spirited.

We get it. You’re being edgy and over-the-top. Try something original next time.

"Why can't you post nice things for once :("

Because I'm not a little girl like you

That's not what I'm getting at. You're one dumb motherfucker.

I like how sam kept specifying " her " and " she " when talking about whom he is in a relationship with, and how hesitant the guy was about talking about it

I'm surprised that Troy isn't in this band

Can you imagine how Jimmy felt when they played that faggy devil song, I hope he self harmed when he got home that day.

He looks like they made a tiny gay version of Stevie Ray Vaughn

That gay outfit/hair looks like something Jim would wear ironically as Chip.

That was a bit, right?!? Holy shit. So fucking terrible.

lol "fuck off we hate you"

Weak, effeminate faggot identifies himself by the group instead of as an individual male

Read up on estrogen and group bonding emotions for a breakdown of your personality

Your profile says you're active in r/australia. Are you an expat?